Just a quick one peeps, went to my garage today and noticed a strong smell of petrol, coming from the XT had a closer look and could see petrol around the bottom "rim" of the tank, on the right hand side where the tank juts forward.
I took the plastics off to find all the paint bubbling off and petrol seaping from the rim, looks like when the "approved insurance repairers" sorted my bike, after my little off, I didnt get a new tank just got mine repaired
And guess what the work is only good for 2 years which ran out on 12/12/09

boy am I going to ring Bennetts on Monday and have a good fu*king rant.
Anyhoo does anyone know of a product i can use to seal the tank again once I have fetched all the paint off, or will it have to be welded up,
On the paint front does anyone know if you can get the tank paint in can form ? if so whats colour ?
Just trying to keep costs down etc etc
Cheers Fozzer......