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Old 01-02-07, 09:56
Buck Buck is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 131
Buck is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by msomers
I ordered a bash plate from Touratech in November 06.
Absolutely no sign of it appearing to date. Touratech UK have made a couple of feeble excuses and the German factory latest was that they couldnt even tell the UK branch when they would deliver my order to them.

The service is absolute b ollocks and I wonder why you even mention them on this site. I tried Metal Mule as an alternative - no response. it's no wonder I've turned into a grumpy old man.

Can you use your influence to encourage these second raters to meet their commitments, or just stop making offers they cant deliver.
Its one of my bigs gripes !!! bad customer service,never responding to e-mail,maybe we should start having our own name and same section on the forum,it might give these companys something to think about.