Well, I'm glad you started this thread, as I was about to create one on handguards, after a morning's frustration with my tenere and a set of universal handguards. EVEN IF YOU'VE GOT HANDGUARDS FITTED, I SUGGEST YOU READ THIS AND CHECK YOUR OWN BIKES ....
.... I bought a set of 'Bike It' guards for �20. They looked and indeed are, great quality for the money, with full alu wrap-rounds with adjustable bolt holes and a pivot on inside bar position, to fine-tune fitting. After much unfastening/fastening of allen bolts - mainly on the cross tension bar to accommodate the new brackets and adaptation of the expansion bolts (bit of tape wrapped around to widen them and ensure a tight grip - a fine engineering solution don't you think? as the huge thread width of the Yamaha bar ends into a tapped end doesn't help!) I got them to fit rather nicely ....
.... NOW THE PROBLEM ... when I turned the bars full lock, both ways as a final check, there was little or no clearance between the edge of the handguard fastening bracket and the front leading edge of the petrol tank. Furthermore, when approaching full lock, the main plastic pieces of the handguards sit against the screen/lighting cowl. it's easy to see what would happen in a fall. The sudden jolt of impact would likely cause the bracket/plastic guard to smash into the tank/screen, possibly causing more damage than the broken lever the handguards are primarily intended to save!!
So, as stupid and obvious as it might sound - check the clearance on yours if you haven't already done so, even if they are bespoke for the tenere. Might save future damage and embarrassment.
I bought them to save money. I'll now either have to get a simple 'open-ended' cheap set (like my 03 V Strom) that offer less protection, or buy some from Yamaha/TT/OTR etc at vastly inflated price. UNLESS SOMEONE KNOWS OF A CHEAP OPTION THAT ACTUALLY FIT PROPERLY WITHOUT MODDING AND THAT DON'T CAUSE THIS 'TANK/SCREEN IMPACT PROBLEM'??? Please help/advise. Thanks.