Thread: Handling Worry
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Old 28-01-10, 12:20
NigelT NigelT is offline
Junior XT-Moto
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Shrewsbury
Posts: 22
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Unhappy Handling Worry

Hi, I have just bought a XT660R 2008, and just gone out for my first ride.Really like the sound and feel and look of the bike, but dont like the lack of brakes and this bike only likes going in a straight line? and hates being in town(surging)? Please note i have been off bikes for 5 years prior, but have owned lots of trail bikes and sports bikes over the years. I have spotted the rear tyre is a pirrelli 140-80-17 and the front is a half worn bridgestone 90-90-21, would this mix of tyres and an oversize cause a problem? or do i need to get a few more miles under my belt? Please any comments or help would be very welcome.

Many Thanks

Nigel Thomas