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Old 19-01-10, 10:32
DickyC DickyC is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Guernsey, Channel Islands
Posts: 144
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I agree with those that say 'whats the issue with the popping'. Call me childish but I find it quite fun and does not affect anything on the bike or increase wear and tear etc. Its just a by product of modern emission controls and certainly, from my point of view, thats a good thing. If you are going to start 'fitting a second plug' then possibly it would be cheaper to sell the bike and buy a different one, maybe older with a carb etc. as it is clear you are not happy with it and once the bike has been altered permanantly in such a way I think you will find that the resale value falls through the floor.

Anyway, hope things work out for you.

Gun Metal Grey 2014 XT660Z
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