I'm not sure if it actually changes the map itself Kev, rather than adjust the fuelling to match the set AFR table.
Without the autotune, the PCV map adjusts the yamaha fuel map to whatever values are inputted by a percentage adding or removing fuel at that RPM and throttle opening.
Whereas with the autotune, it runs on the Air/fuel ratio set in the AFR table, like 13.7 and uses the wideband sensor to pick up the burn ratio on the exhaust, and then adjusts to suit.
You can see it working on the PCV software, if you open the throttle, the AFR will be all over the show as its adjusting. but once you hold the throttle steady, the AFR will read ~13.
Least I think thats how it works anyway Kev
so if I send you my map map, I believe id I'd just be sending you the original map that I put on there myself and not a corrected one by the autotune.
Correct me if Im wrong however.
09 XT660X:
CCC Stainless Rounds, Stage 1 DNA, Stage 2 DNA, PCV With Custom Autotune Map, PCV AutoTune, Home made O2 eliminator, Self machined Fork Spacers, DIY Autotune Switch.