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Old 31-08-09, 19:53
SelinaXC SelinaXC is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Chesterfield
Posts: 224
SelinaXC is on a distinguished road
Milk or beer crate, wiggled under the engine by oiking the bike over on its side stand and kicking the crate under the engine. Assistance with a pile of bricks or a car jack if needed depending on the balance point and which wheel/s you're taking off. Not recommended and not safe for you or the bike. But that was how I did it before I could afford paddock stands....and that was on big fours
*don't do as I say, or as I do*
Edit: When I say 'before I could afford paddock stands' I actually mean 'before I met someone who already owned paddock stands I could use'

Last edited by SelinaXC; 31-08-09 at 20:10.