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should the snorkel be removed completly or cut down so you still have the lip to stop anything falling into the air box?
Ive completly removed the snorkel but am worried due to a build up of water in the small plastic tube under air box.I have put a few slices in this tube with a knife to stop any water reaching the engine (not sure if a good idea) but im still worried about any dirt etc etc reaching the engine with the whole snorkel removed.
any advice is welcomed.
cheers big ears.
No need to worry, the air box is made up of a few chambers.
The first chamber is where the snorkel sits & can be removed, if any water enters through this opening it will fall to a second chamber which is the lowest point of the air box, on the outside of the air box on the left side of the bike there is a clear plastic hose, get a razor blade & cut 2 slits along the hose this will allow any water that has entered the air box to drain out.
The air filter is in the 3rd chamber & should stay dry. I would always recommend one to fit a oil based air filter over a paper one when removing the snorkel, the oil based filter like K&N or DNA do help repel any drops of water that make splash onto the air filter.
I have had my snorkel removed since 2005 with both stage 1 & 2 filters & have never had any problems riding in thunder storms or washing my bike.