Hi m8, did your tyre theory fix it?
I�ve had my XT660x now for a couple of years and love it to bits.
The reason I�m posting is the same reason why I joined this forum in
The 1st place 2 years ago
Can�t remember my exact words but I had, and still have, the same
Problems as you (around 75 plus a worrying weave)
I tried all the usual things, tyres and pressures, shock/fork adjustments
And still had the same weave. I�m not saying that these adjustments are
Not important because they are.
Someone on this forum mentioned �rider position?�
I found that sitting further back on the seat the weave disappeared.
My m8 weighs around 15 stone and can sit anywhere on the seat and
The bike doesn�t weave at any speed.
I�m a shorty and weigh 10 stone. I�ve come to the conclusion that its
A weight come seat position thing due to the xt�x smaller front wheel than the
�R� version. I�ve ridden the �R� with no issues.
Hopes this helps anyone out there who is a bit disillusioned�
It�s a great bike, either sit a bit further back on the seat at higher speeds
Or start eating the pies!![/quote
Hi i only weight 10 stone and mine is rock solid at all speeds ,i ride quite hard i have my fork legs dropped 10mm and 15 w in forks, i also know some very good riders who report the same problem you speak of and others like me have no problem so its a tough one to sort after all the normal checks,all the best