I think I have said it a few times, but I'll say it again so we all understand what is going on.
Up until CCC was owned by Simon Cope, we enjoyed a fantastic service, from a very professional point of view Simon Cope never, and I mean
NEVER disappointed anyone who purchased his cans. Delivery times were shockingly fast (within UK of course we are talking next day, bang on target)
But not just that, we all know that sometimes things can go wrong, and a few clamps have know to have snapped or were the wrong size, on these occasions Simon would send new sets free of charge with the same speed. We've had a member that (we believe he didn't know how to fit these properly, namely ManicMic) managed to snap 3 or 4 clamps and all the times Simon sent him a new set.
Finally Simon never sent his cans out without all the correct number of clamps. Although of late Simon had a problem with the link manufacturers and experienced some delay in receiving these, we know it was never his fault.
Unfortunately since the take over from Simon Cope to the new owner, things have taken a different turn, clamps had been missing, deliveries were delayed, specially abroad, and now he is not replacing a lost set which he sold to Mithyx and he is getting pretty rough with him in his email exchanges.
Now I only ever allow sponsoring of products in here when I am happy that the company is able to keep up reputation, from the moment I met the new ower I had a gut feeling that I wouldn't get on with him, and that things were going to change.
I need to let you also know that, while me and Simon Cope could be considered as friends, because we have known each other from day one of this forum, we had this gentleman's agreement that I wouldn't ask him for any money in return for the publicity and the sponsoring of the cans provided he kept the standards that he did with our members, I was happy, and on top of that Simon looked after me quite nicely by letting me have a couple of set of new cans, which happened on 2 occasions. Myself not being greedy I then passed on the other cans to my closest associates here, Kev and Miguel.
Now things were different I wasn't that friendly with the new owner and the standard have dropped so I have decided to wash my hands of him and CCC, and while I declare the cans are still as good as they used to be, the after sale service isn't, hence I could not accept that our members were treated unfairly and I wish CCC all the best for the future but the present is not looking good for a cooperation with us, which is why we don't sponsor them anymore.
Those who continue to buy from CCC must understand that I am not speaking with the new owner anymore and if you have a problem with him I can't help you resolving it anymore as I was able in the past.
Like Miguel said good luck