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Old 19-07-09, 11:09
platty platty is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Melbourne
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Can a Tenere Rev Counter be used on a R

Rev counter / Larger Tanks - I see plenty of posts regarding these two interesting challenges with various degrees of success. However seeing the Tenere may finally be making it back onto the market here in Australia I wonder whether either these two standard Z items could be fitted to the R.
The quote above was cross-posted from my newbie hello post and in essence it says it all.

I would imagine that the Tenere unit would be quite expensive and would obviously require a custom bracket to install BUT in terms of compatibilty and functionality it could a great solution.

expat Kiwi - now living in Melbourne - now riding a XT660R and a XT1200Z