The DNA filter and stage 2 adaptor arrived today. After a quick install it was time to build a new PCIII map to see what gains we will get.
Below is a dyno report comparing the stock bike with my custom PCIII map (red) versus the same bike, equipped with a DNA filter and stage 2 adaptor with a new custom map I made (Green).
From 3500 to 6000 RPM there is a gain in HP and torque with the DNA filter and adaptor, but below 3500 and after 6000 RPM there was a slight loss in HP and torque.
The next run shows what potential there is if my next upgrade pans out correctly. This mod will release a lot more power. Green line is XTZ with DNA filter and stg 2 adaptor versus the next upgrade (red). Both cases I used the stock exhaust system. As you can see there is a very nice gain in HP and torque from 4500 to the limiter. Again slight midrange lost, but a gain in the low end.
The last dyno run shows a stock standard XTZ versus the power output I am aiming for. Will update you all once we get there.
Exhaust might follow in the next few months, not sure what Jon has in mind for the exhaust system.
Both PCIII maps for the stock and DNA equipped XTZ can be downloaded from the Kev section. Kev will post it shortly. Note you have to be an supporter to get the maps.
Disclaimer: any mod undertaken, are carried out at owners risk