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maxwell123455 20-11-12 12:20

Motorbike adventure books

Its that time of year again:occasion18: so im looking to get a few presents purchased over the internet (im normally i stand in shop man!) as one of the presents is for my old man and one for the girl friend who is currently travelling in New Zealand.

Any who looking at motorbike adventure books, something like jupiters travels, for a pagan song, running with the moon etc etc. as both like to read about travelling and the girl friend likes the more lovely dovey type books.

So what have you read, what did you think etc????


Gas_Up_Lets_Go 20-11-12 15:00

Lois's books are a must. I though Lois on the Loose was a better book, but Red Tape & White Knuckles was good too.

Ted Simons first book was good, the follow up I though was a little heavy at times.

These are the days that must happen to you - well if you want to feel good about yourself, it's a great lite read and you can pick it up and put it down easily.

The Long Way books are very good, much better than the TV series and worth a read.

There are loads out there....

enduro374 20-11-12 15:33

Jupiters Travels is a must.
Uneasy Rider also brilliant.

The best in my opinion and one that still makes me laugh out loud is Dan Walsh's 'These are the days that must happen to you' - absoflaminlutely (or something simlar) - keep drifting..

I also keep reading for reference and inspiration:
The World's Great Adventure Motorcycle Routes and Adventure Motorcycling Handbook.

All of the above far outdo the Long Way books which are only good to start fires with!!

SimonRoma 20-11-12 15:38

I loved Zen and the Art of Motorcycling, amazing read. More recently I really enjoy the books and DVDs made by that nutta Nick Sanders, I just finished reading Journey without Reason and wowowowowow he is an amazing guy!!

duibhceK 20-11-12 15:44

a couple of good suggestions already.

I would add:
- Zen or the art of motorcycle maintenance
- Walter Colebatch's The Sibirsky Extreme Project
- Nathan Millward - going postal, the ups and downs of travelling the world on a postie bike (Brilliant! re-published as "Sidney to London - the long ride home" with the addition of images taken during the trip)

I also thoroughly enjoyed Trui Hanoulle - Meisjes Moslims en Motoren ("Girls, Muslims and motorbikes"). Unfortunately only available in Dutch as far as I know.

JMo 20-11-12 18:04


Originally Posted by Gas_Up_Lets_Go (Post 181108)
The Long Way books are very good, much better than the TV series and worth a read.

I agree - for all Charlie's knobbishness on TV, he actually writes (or dictates - either way) very well, with plenty of conviction - I enjoyed his segments in both books... try and get the editions with the extra photographs, as there are some fantastic photos in both those books too.

"Lois on the Loose" is a classic - full of humour, and it really imparts the sense of wonder and innocence you can only really experience on a first time adventure...

Another book I read recently and really liked was "The Hunt for Puerto Del Faglioli" by Paddy Tyson [publisher of Overland magazine, and MAG rep amongst other hats] - I saw him at a Q&A at Touratech last year and he was very funny - likewise his book about traveling in Canada, the US and Central America is full of great anecdotes - recommended!


stoic bloke 20-11-12 19:04

Well, mondo enduro is a must and should be accompanied with the dvd box set!

JMo 20-11-12 19:52

Like Stoic, I enjoyed Mondo Enduro - but would suggest it can be a hard read at times (it is essentially their daily diary log for the 440 days)... fortunately the Mondo' movie is far more manageable, as is their follow up Terra Circa (which is basically the route Long Way Round subsequently followed, many years later...)

I enjoyed reading the Mondo Enduro diary moreso after seeing the film, as it filled in a lot of detail behind the various scenes in the film...

Both films have a great soundtrack too - and as a nerdy aside - in Terra Circa, it turns out that Matt Hall's bike (that suffered a front sprocket problem, shown in the film) was none other than my old DR350!!!


maxwell123455 20-11-12 20:38

gess this threads going quick.

seen a few of the suggestions and have alot of them. just looking over some of the others now.

cheers guys/gals

UKbri 20-11-12 21:06

I'm bit of a manic reader for ADV books. I've read-

The Longest Ride - Emilio Scotto
These are the days.... - Dan Walsh
Mondo Enduro - Austin Vince & co
All of Sam Manicom's (Some of my Favourite)
Old Man On A Bike - Simon Gandolphi
Jupiters Travels - Ted Simon
Puerto del Faglioli - Paddy Tyson
Around Oz on a Triumph - Geoff Hill
The road to Gobblers Knob - Geoff Hill
Way to Go - Geoff Hill
Lois Pryce x 2
Uneasy Rider - Mike Carter (another favourite)
Going Postal - Nathan Milward
The Rugged Road - Teresa Wallach
Worlds great adventure motorcycle routes (AWESOME!!! Coz I wrote part of it)
+ many more

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