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The Autotune does do what Dynojet designed it to do, it's just the later XT's have a problem that can't be fixed just with a fuelling change. Put the Autotune on the early bikes without the lambda sensor and it will work perfectly, you just have to understand how it works and have a good base map to start with.
Any of the custom maps done by Kev or myself or any other competent dyno centre will be a good starting point just make sure the map was done for the modifications you have. |
We hope so, until tested we are in the dark.
I want another XT this next year. I am also waiting for the O2 controller results, otherwise I will be fitting a 00 or 01 ECU to my new 2010 XTX, with the wiring loop from a 2005 XT660 like I have now on my 07 XTX. |
My suggestion if you do not have access to a dyno is to get a map that is made for another XT that runs similar mods to your own.
Then, 1st thing is to set the warm up time on the unit to start only after say for example 5 min. This prevents the unit from tuning while the bike is cold and the choke might be active, adding more fuel than it should. Work out how long your bike takes on average to warm up and then set the warm-up time to exceed that. If you idle your bike for 5 min before you ride, then you need a much longer time. Then keep one very important thing in mind. It takes time for the Auto tune to sample and adjust, so the more constant throttle input and RPM you can give it the better. Just to build the initial map and get a good base line. This will involve you getting out there and riding around at for example 10% throttle and fix RPM for at least 10 seconds, before trying the next. Remember, take it easy, give it time to do its thing. Small smooth changes is key here. Also, do not use massive values to allow the Auto tune to make big changes. The smaller the values it is allowed to work with the better. Small like in max 5 or so. Do not give it 20, 30 or 40 limits. If the smaller then 20% throttle opening, at lower than 4000 RPM, feel good, then don�t let the unit tune there. Leave it alone, or use like 2 to 3 values as a max. The Auto tune is a well worth investment, so please do not get me wrong here. It just has to be used correctly, like anything else. It has limitations, so be aware of them and work around it. Biggest limitation is sample and correction time, so don�t; expect the unit to work correctly if you give it like 0.1 second to sample a setting. Fuel injection bikes these days have sensors to compensate for air pressure and temperature, but they are never perfect as with everything electronic. There is always some sort of tolerance. So, this is where the Auto tuner comes in very handy. It will make the necessary corrections while you ride to keep the ratio at the required amount. For examples on superbikes, not so much on the XT. The superbikes use ram air, and that is impossible to set up correctly on the dyno. Ram air pressure changes with speed, so again, impossible to simulate indoors as it constantly changes. So, this is where the Auto tune really works well. It will make the corrections to ensure the EFI compensates correctly for ram air. Air temperature is another. I can feel that my personally XT runs crisper and cleaner some days than others, purely because of air temp. With the auto tune, it will make those small corrections and ensure the bikes electronics compensate correctly, ensuring that crisp performance all the time. But, it does not need to make 10 or 20 % corrections to do that. Small is the key here. The only bikes that might need large correction values are the superbikes that need to correct for RAM air. Assuming you start with a good base map, so don�t give these values to the tuner to play with on the XT. Then, look at the suggested values the tuner recommend and if you see that some places have very erratic values, for example -20 at 100% throttle at 3000 RPM, but 3250 RPM is +8, that�s bad. It should flow into each other, not make big jumps in value. The more you ride the less you need to allow the Auto tune to correct and the better your map will become with time. |
Some good advice Freez.:toothy10:
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