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XTnewbie 26-09-08 11:07

Hi - About a year ago I purchased some very nice yamaha tuning fork stickers from rsgraphics.co.uk - I have recently changed my faded grey panels for new ones, and again approached RSGRAPHICS, as their link to the tuning forks appeared to have been removed. I rang them and spoke to the owner - who informed me that they had removed them due to copyright violations, and that they would not be willing to reprint. SO !!! Can any members recommend a similar company? BTW the silver tuning forks supplied by RS lasted on the grey XT - far longer than the crappy expensive Yamaha ones. Any help / advice greatly appreciated.

CaptMoto 26-09-08 12:09

I know someone who can help you

You need to email them with your graphic request and they will print anything in any size

good luck

jasext 26-09-08 12:20

A friend of mine done the complete set of ranni stickers





I think they are �50

XTnewbie 26-09-08 13:16

thanks for all your replies - cheers dave

Gerhard Beukes 29-09-08 23:02

I took those stickers and saved them in JPEG format. Took to a local graphic and label maker, they told me that they can't do anything with it...i need to get it in vectorized format...or they will have to redraw everything. Also wrote to RANNI few months ago to get vectorised format, no reply. I really like those and want it done on my XTR too. If you have vectorised format, pls mail to me, then i can have them reprinted?

CaptMoto 29-09-08 23:31

Unfortunately Ranni is unavailable due to relocation and does not have those in Vector format.

TheLastWord 30-09-08 10:22


Originally Posted by Gerhard Beukes (Post 69266)
I took those stickers and saved them in JPEG format. Took to a local graphic and label maker, they told me that they can't do anything with it...i need to get it in vectorized format...or they will have to redraw everything. Also wrote to RANNI few months ago to get vectorised format, no reply. I really like those and want it done on my XTR too. If you have vectorised format, pls mail to me, then i can have them reprinted?

Gerhard, I do some vinyl plotting as a sideline. I can convert to vector format for you and/or print you a set. PM me if you are interested and we can discuss further.


CaptMoto 30-09-08 10:33

DanG, you've got these sideline and you never told me? tsk tsk.... ;)

TheLastWord 30-09-08 11:10


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 69296)
DanG, you've got these sideline and you never told me? tsk tsk.... ;)

You never asked...!
But in case you do, I also do powder-coating, machining, tig-welding and a bit of carbon-fibre too...

CaptMoto 30-09-08 11:20

That is great news, see all you guys out there with these hidden talents and skills don't be shy, other people might benefit from these skills of yours and if you are not too busy you can also make a few quid out of it.

Personally I would be interested to know how you can design and print a sticker with this logo on the side of the tank fairings


TheLastWord 30-09-08 12:49


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 69300)
That is great news, see all you guys out there with these hidden talents and skills don't be shy, other people might benefit from these skills of yours and if you are not too busy you can also make a few quid out of it.

Personally I would be interested to know how you can design and print a sticker with this logo on the side of the tank fairings


The graphics I do are essentially sign-writing, so it's one colour cut at a time and then laid on top of each other. Most multi-colour signs on vans and sign-boards are done in this way.

I made a 3-colour (3-layer +1 clear) rad decal for my KTM as well as decal stacks for the fenders, and they were quite effective. Ideally, your logo would be best done on a vinyl printing machine where the colours are all printed on a single sheet (much like an ink-jet printer), but that would be expensive for small runs.

If I did it, it would be the same as for Gerhard - convert the pic to vector format, then cut the layers, place the upper layers on top of the base layer, and finally apply the transfer paper.

I can do you a sample if you like.

CaptMoto 30-09-08 12:52

Only if it's not too much trouble, as big as you can do ideally to cover the tank side panels without interfering with the cut holes in them.


Storm 30-09-08 14:52


Originally Posted by DanG (Post 69298)
You never asked...!
But in case you do, I also do powder-coating, machining, tig-welding and a bit of carbon-fibre too...

Hey Dan - fancy making me a rallye fairing for my BMW?!

meach 30-09-08 15:11

Would the logo not be better as a single colour as the current forum stickers and in different single colours.
The logo you asked for Capt would not show up too much on say a red bike or a white bike?????

Dan, can you convert almost any files to vector, i used to used "vector magic" (i think it was called) which was a free site but now charges

TheLastWord 30-09-08 15:17

Capt: message sent to your hotmail address.

Storm: sounds like a biggish job or a winter project! What's your starting point and is there nothing out there to suit?

Meach: Single colour would be simpler for me, however the sticker could have a background. I've converted BMP and JPG files to vector, so I guess any interchangeable format will work. Because you print a colour per layer, you need to reduce the colours in the pic first (if necessary), but apart from that, I guess anything goes...

XTnewbie: Sorry to hijack your thread!

CaptMoto 30-09-08 16:23


Originally Posted by meach (Post 69311)
Would the logo not be better as a single colour as the current forum stickers and in different single colours.
The logo you asked for Capt would not show up too much on say a red bike or a white bike?????

Dan, can you convert almost any files to vector, i used to used "vector magic" (i think it was called) which was a free site but now charges

Yeah Meach, I am not bothered about the colour, my idea is just to have that logo as a new tank sticker, any colour possible. But now I understand it's impossible cause Ranni's done a runner and he was the one that designed we only have that small size and nothing else.


Storm 30-09-08 16:33


Originally Posted by DanG (Post 69312)

Storm: sounds like a biggish job or a winter project! What's your starting point and is there nothing out there to suit?

Well, Touratech make a rallye fairing, but it's over a grand...


I'm looking to set the bike up with a view to entering some dusk till dawn type events and train on over the winter with a view to entering some rallyes next year.

meach 30-09-08 16:55


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 69316)
Yeah Meach, I am not bothered about the colour, my idea is just to have that logo as a new tank sticker, any colour possible. But now I understand it's impossible cause Ranni's done a runner and he was the one that designed we only have that small size and nothing else.


Surely Dan could save that as bitmap and convert to vector. Then it would be possible to have any size ????

TheLastWord 30-09-08 17:37


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 69316)
Yeah Meach, I am not bothered about the colour, my idea is just to have that logo as a new tank sticker, any colour possible. But now I understand it's impossible cause Ranni's done a runner and he was the one that designed we only have that small size and nothing else.


Capt, I didn't say it was impossible, just said that it would have made my job easier if you had a bigger version! I'll see what I can do this evening and let you know how I get on. The layers will be "black", "white", "red" and "background". So you will be able to choose what you want for any of them, and optionally have no background.

CaptMoto 30-09-08 17:40

I really appreciate your help DanG, thanks

Norton 30-09-08 17:44

I certainly have the tuning fork and xtx logos in vector as I re drew them for the original RS Graphics stickers. May also still have the Ranni ones also kicking around, I will take a look.


TheLastWord 30-09-08 17:49


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 69319)
Well, Touratech make a rallye fairing, but it's over a grand...


I'm looking to set the bike up with a view to entering some dusk till dawn type events and train on over the winter with a view to entering some rallyes next year.

You doing the Paris-Dakar?
Yes �1085 is damn expensive for that!! Touratech are a bit pricey, although it does contain a Xenon headlight system...

Could be do-able though. A short-cut would be to keep an eye on eBay for something similar and then modify to suit.

Storm 30-09-08 19:15


Originally Posted by DanG (Post 69328)
You doing the Paris-Dakar?
Yes �1085 is damn expensive for that!! Touratech are a bit pricey, although it does contain a Xenon headlight system...

Could be do-able though. A short-cut would be to keep an eye on eBay for something similar and then modify to suit.

Maybe not the Dakar... but I'd like to enter some sort of multi-day event. My riding isn't good enough yet, but I need to build a bike that I can get very comfortable with.

I could probably fabricate a fairing bracket, but I don't know how to work with composites.

It was a long shot I guess, and I'm sure you have other projects. If I get stuck, maybe you could help.

TheLastWord 30-09-08 21:42

No worries Storm, glad to help whenever you need.

CaptMoto 30-09-08 22:11


Originally Posted by Storm (Post 69331)
Maybe not the Dakar... but I'd like to enter some sort of multi-day event. My riding isn't good enough yet, but I need to build a bike that I can get very comfortable with.

I could probably fabricate a fairing bracket, but I don't know how to work with composites.

It was a long shot I guess, and I'm sure you have other projects. If I get stuck, maybe you could help.

John if you do that we will all be behind you in this project, if you send your leathers to my good friend Nicki at Joyda Leathers http://www.joydaleathers.com/ we could have them patched at my expenses with the name Team XT660.com or Sponsored by XT660.com, whichever... (not sure you would want that... but....it's a thought) after all you are still one of my kids.... :laughing11: and a good daddy never forget his kids even when they grow up like you. hahaha

Storm 01-10-08 09:55


Originally Posted by CaptMoto (Post 69353)
John if you do that we will all be behind you in this project, if you send your leathers to my good friend Nicki at Joyda Leathers http://www.joydaleathers.com/ we could have them patched at my expenses with the name Team XT660.com or Sponsored by XT660.com, whichever... (not sure you would want that... but....it's a thought) after all you are still one of my kids.... :laughing11: and a good daddy never forget his kids even when they grow up like you. hahaha

Well Fran, I'd definitely by happy to put some sponsor stickers on the finished rallye bike. I've got a Morroccan trip planned for December, for a week's practice riding in deep sand. I'll probably start building the bike up after that. I'm compromised, as I still need it to do everything elso too - including commute!

efcarmo 21-10-08 05:03

Does anybody have this flag sticker (on the tank flaps) in coreldraw just to print in a professional ?

I look this bike in the forum and i want one of this sticker to put in my bike, they are very beautiful and different that the original stickers that we have here in brazil (XT 660R - only), i want to make my bike more exclusive.

If somebody can help me i will appreciate


thanks in advance

fernan660 21-10-08 06:21

efcarmo, I have bought that stickers in ebay, put "yamaha laguna seca edition" and search it...

Janne 21-10-08 08:37

yo! i have a nother one i have done in a japanese style. i had a nother before but u can check it i f u like?

Powerfreak 06-02-10 22:00

Ok guys im after a couple of these yamaha logos that have been spoke about on this thread,is it still possible to get these as the other thread i looked at has inactive links on it so im lost as to where i can find a set

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