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JTH660X 18-09-08 13:27

Headlight Windscreen Modification
HI everyone. I am sorry to say but I like the previous design of the Headlight better than the new ones on the 2007 2008 version. The new ones has kind of stepped back into the eighties design again. However i have made a minor modification to my windscreen to make my 2005 headlight look a little more "Angry". The modification is to take the windscreen off and slide it down so it covers the park light area of the headlight. I then recut the end of the windscreen so it follows the line of the headlight below the park light. I drilled new holes for mounting and plugged the old ones with black plugs. This mod. makes the bike look great!! How the H.*�"#�)= do I get a picture attached to this thread?

colros 18-09-08 14:10

There should be an icon with hills and a Sun yellow background, if you take your cursor over it it says insert image. Thats one way.

If you have a big image you can link to photograph hosters like Photobucket or flickr, and I think Google has one too.

After you upload the picture to their site your get a Link. URL you then cut and paste it into the message, or use the Insert pic above.

You can also load pictures to this site and attach them as thumb nails see additional options when creating your message.

Hope this helps.

There will be a moderator allong later to help better.

Good luck :048:

jasext 18-09-08 14:22

Posting Pictures

Here we go, it's a VERY common question (please sticky this)

The explanation below is very long winded to read but in reality, doing it takes just a few moments.

Firstly a picture published in this forum must exist somewhere on the internet (not just on your computer)
For this you will need to "upload" it to a server, there are many free and pay for sites that offer picture hosting some are useable others are not.
The one's that are not useable are often MSN, Yahoo etc this is because they don't allow "external linking" to a file which you will need to do.
Here are some known useable one's:
www.photobucket.com (free)
www.imageshack.us (this one is very good, completely free, best to register so you can delete if needed)
There are plenty of others but I'm sure you've all heard of Google
All of these places will have file size limitations, probably the best size for a forum is no more than 600 pixels tall
If your pictures are still full size from your camera you will almost certainly need to edit them in your favourite image editing program on your PC (you did install one didn't you)

Once your file is uploaded to the internet make sure you are viewing the full size image (not a thumbnail) and right click the image, then select "properties" a box will appear in which you can see the address (url) of the image, drag your mouse over this url to highlight it (make sure to include the "http" all the way to the end of the image name which will normally be ".jpg")
Once highlighted, hold down "CRTL" and at the same time press "C", this will copy the highlighted text

Now you're ready to post your image on the forum
Start your post as normal, you will notice above the text area that you type in there is a button that looks like this http://www.vdsr.co.uk/forums/Themes/...es/bbc/img.gif, click on it, it will insert the [ i m g ] [ / i m g ] tags into your post, click between the two tags then hold down "CTRL" and press "V", this will paste the url you copied a moment ago.
The result should look something like this (but without all the spaces):
[ i m g ] h t t p : / / w w w . y o u r h o s t . c o m / mypicture. j p g [ / i m g ]

That's it your done, you can now preview or submit your post

For a more advance image display you can manualy type a url reference and embed an image like this...

[ url = h t t p : / / w w w . y o u r h o s t . c o m / b i g i m a g e . j p g ] [ i m g ] h t t p : / / w w w . y o u r h o s t . c o m / t h u m b n a i l . j p g [ / i m g ] [ / u r l ]
Without any of the spaces of course
The first url would be a link to the full sized image, the second would be a link to a thumbnail sized image, this would allow you to show a reasonable size picture on the forum but clicking it would open a new window with the full size image in it, like this...

labrat 18-09-08 14:52

Sorry for hi-jacking this thread but whitch is the best for space on the forum the advance one or the easy one

motonacio 18-09-08 15:04

If your image is held on a hosting site (photobucket,Flikr,Imageshack,Google Picassa etc.) then it does not take up any space on this site.

If you upload an image to this site then you take space on the site.

labrat 18-09-08 16:21

thankyou motonacio!!!!

maxwell123455 18-09-08 18:04

Never really noticed the difference bewteen the head lights, but i suppose to some it would not be there cup of T.

how you getting on with up loading a piccy??:013:

motonacio 18-09-08 18:57


Originally Posted by labrat (Post 68202)
thankyou motonacio!!!!

Post #14 in your DIY stuff thread shows how XT Supporters can upload directly from their computer to this site.

Post #15 in your DIY stuff thread shows how to call an image for temporary display from a hosting site.(the explanations shown above)

labrat 19-09-08 09:10


Originally Posted by maxwell123455 (Post 68215)

how you getting on with up loading a piccy??:013:

JTH660X would really like to see what yo did with the headlight as i never knew there was a diverence in headlights.

JTH660X 19-09-08 15:12

Picture of mod

JTH660X 19-09-08 15:14

Wov it worked. I just used the link to my photo print shop on net. I will try to get a more close up of the mod it doesn't really show so good from this angle.

labrat 19-09-08 15:58

Nice bike also like you helmet it's got attitude:icon_thumleft:

JTH660X 22-09-08 16:22

More pics of the windscreen mod.
Here is some more pics of the adjusted windscreen. Other mods are magura handlebar and 20mm bar raisers (the raisers really improved riding comfort). Acerbis handle protectors.




maxwell123455 22-09-08 18:32

looks good

skorzeny 23-09-08 19:37

Good job!:023:

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