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Number3 11-06-08 21:20

Number3's Metal Mule is here!
Ordered my Metal Mule 2into1 system and it has arrived. I cant fault the service of the people at Metal Mule - it really was top notch. They offered to re-pack the system in smaller packaging to save costs (as I live in Sweden and they are UK) so it only cost 30gbp to send. Not bad at all.

The quality of the finish is excellant, and it sounds amazing. The whole bike feels different (in weight - havent riden it yet as its been raining and I have been in Gothenburg on business). It feels like my mates RS250 now. Cant wait to see how the bike handles now.

Here are a few pics. We all love the pics.


Some more pics can be found here:


J_maker 11-06-08 22:25

great :Photos_3NT5BI:number3!!!
although I think getting rid of one of the cans is like cutting off a leg.. however this babe looks stunning! :tongue5:

Number3 11-06-08 22:30


Originally Posted by J_maker (Post 58538)
great :Photos_3NT5BI:number3!!!
although I think getting rid of one of the cans is like cutting off a leg.. however this babe looks stunning! :tongue5:

lol, yeah but 1 lightweight stainless leg with more power is better than two heavy lead legs that add 20kgs to the bike!!! :043:

I think once I have tidied up the tail (and I dont just mean put the RH side indicator back on properly) with mini idicators, LED rear light extra it wont look so lop-sided.

richard 11-06-08 22:48

very nice elliot,if it sounds as good as it looks ill be selling my cc

richard 11-06-08 22:50

ive just seen the idicator whats the problem there:smilies0345:

Number3 11-06-08 23:04


Originally Posted by richard (Post 58540)
very nice elliot,if it sounds as good as it looks ill be selling my cc

oh it sounds good alright!

Number3 11-06-08 23:06


Originally Posted by richard (Post 58541)
ive just seen the idicator whats the problem there:smilies0345:

Problem is I took it off to fix the can on, and havent put it back yet as I want to refit them again as some air is coming out of the joint between the silencer and the link pipe. I was tired (it took forever to get the orginals off) and it isnt quite on right. But easily sorted - if you come over tomorrow :) :glasses9:

CaptMoto 12-06-08 00:01

Very nice, the headers look even better than the Off The Road ones.

Kev 12-06-08 00:30

Looking good mate. I see they have fitted a O2 sensor plug to the left header. Nice to see they are thinking ahead.

FHR 16-06-08 22:47

Great looks! Please let us know how it rides. I see that they have changed the shape of the pipes. It was famous for being very loud, is it so? Also, could you confirm the price?

Thanks! Cheers,


Number3 16-06-08 22:57


Originally Posted by FHR (Post 59075)
Great looks! Please let us know how it rides. I see that they have changed the shape of the pipes. It was famous for being very loud, is it so? Also, could you confirm the price?

Thanks! Cheers,


Well I went out for my first proper ride with it tonight, and power wise well to be frank I didnt really notice a lot of difference. Though perhpas with a power comander properly mapped and a stage 2 filter it will be a different story (coming in the not too distant future I hope).

The biggest difference is the weight saving. To say it is substantial is an understatement. The bike feels so so light now. Roundabouts aka chicanes are now bloody hilarious as you can flick the XT side to side like its a 125. It is so much fun!!! they were fun before but this is nuts!!!. Now I find myself hanging off the side looking for opputunities to flick it left to right.

Loud. Er without the db killer yes. Its insane loud. It will make peoples ears bleed without the db killer. Plus no doubt get you on the wrong side of the law very quickly. With Db killer in, its got a great raspy note to it. Not as deep as the CCCs or GRDs, but cool netherless. So for me its just right, I can hear my engine at last, sounds cool, and will pass its MOT or our swedish equivlent. Plus if for whatever reason I want to enduce random pedestrien suicides I can simply uncrew the bolt that hold the db killer in and voila. Of course if you wanted more noise you could saw the db killer in half.

As for price is on their webpage, but it was about 355 gbp + 30 odd quid delivery. Which considering its a full system it ok by me.

Any more questions, just shout.

maxwell123455 17-06-08 16:45

Sounds like your happy with your buy:WellDone_OROQR1:. I heard someone on an XTR with a 2 into 1 exhaust at the NW200 and it was loud.

Also got any piccies or videos of the exhaust?

Number3 17-06-08 19:15


Originally Posted by maxwell123455 (Post 59179)
Sounds like your happy with your buy:WellDone_OROQR1:. I heard someone on an XTR with a 2 into 1 exhaust at the NW200 and it was loud.

Also got any piccies or videos of the exhaust?

pics can be found here http://s282.photobucket.com/albums/k...ee_album/Mods/

as for vid - well have no way of recording sound at the mo so its a bit pointless, but if you want a vid of the pipes and end can I can fix that. Let me know.

FHR 17-06-08 23:41

Thanks very much for the comments - and the performance of the bike changed? More lows, revs faster, top speed?


Number3 18-06-08 15:02


Originally Posted by FHR (Post 59226)
Thanks very much for the comments - and the performance of the bike changed? More lows, revs faster, top speed?


Too early to tell, need to put some more kms on it first. Will update shortly with the report.

johnno 18-06-08 16:08

Number 3 im loving it looks great .you should take a picture from the other side chain/spocket so we can see that open space

maxwell123455 18-06-08 16:13

Whay those piccies look great.:happy:

Im sure you can feel alot of heat coming up on the right hand side when you in traffic as that 2 into 1 surely would give off some heat.

Number3 18-06-08 18:55


Originally Posted by johnno (Post 59306)
Number 3 im loving it looks great .you should take a picture from the other side chain/spocket so we can see that open space

Like this one?


Number3 18-06-08 19:01


Originally Posted by maxwell123455 (Post 59308)
Whay those piccies look great.:happy:

Im sure you can feel alot of heat coming up on the right hand side when you in traffic as that 2 into 1 surely would give off some heat.

yeah it is warm that's for sure, I have now covered the coolant pipe in heat protective tape to just re-assure myself it wont melt. Metal Mule said that they have never had anyone say it has melted their pipe, but I want just want to be careful. A melted coolant pipe in the middle of swedish forest is not my idea of a good day out.

But actually its not that bad at all, at traffic lights you can feel a bit of warmth. But its certainly not as bad as my ZX7R was. That seemed to really heat up the whole frame and then toast you legs. As my legs dont really touch the bike ( I am normally hangin' off edwards styley its not a problem!) But I guess it depends on your riding style.

Still for me the weight saving, looks and the fact I now dont have to bother with two paddock stands (just one MX stand) means a little bit of warmth and no major power increase is not an issue. I mean if I really wanted power I would never have bought the XT in the first place.

But now it is about 20kgs lighter, its power is probably just about right, and of course handles so much better. This bike loves the tight twisties and a lighter bike makes it so much easier to throw it through them.

I highly recommend this system!

maxwell123455 18-06-08 19:56

Quiet surprised you dont feel the heat that much as ive standard down pipes with CCC pipes and at the first set of traffic lights i can feel the heat cooking me like a chicken.

I wouldnt mind the weight saving (even though the bikes alot lighter than my old bike).

Love the look of one exhaust on one side and open on the other.

Number3 18-06-08 21:40


Originally Posted by maxwell123455 (Post 59338)
Quiet surprised you dont feel the heat that much as ive standard down pipes with CCC pipes and at the first set of traffic lights i can feel the heat cooking me like a chicken.

I wouldnt mind the weight saving (even though the bikes alot lighter than my old bike).

Love the look of one exhaust on one side and open on the other.

Today I rode the bike in just jeans (I normally wear my 1 piece) and really wasnt that warm. With the leathers on it may be a different story, not sure, will have to let you know.

But hey this is sweden we need all the warmth we can get! :toothy4:

maxwell123455 18-06-08 22:04


Originally Posted by Number3 (Post 59355)
But hey this is sweden we need all the warmth we can get! :toothy4:

I will join you on that one for Northern Ireland, even at the best of weathers you can just about get into some jeans (hoods protective ones) for a bit of free riding.

bonnienut 19-06-08 20:21

number 3, is there a website link to metal mule for the exhaust system?

CaptMoto 19-06-08 20:41


FHR 20-06-08 01:48

Number3, the back brake reservoir and hose seem to be just over the frame very exposed to the boots - does it bother at all when ridding? I thougth the system came with a different support for it.


Number3 22-06-08 16:48


Originally Posted by FHR (Post 59479)
Number3, the back brake reservoir and hose seem to be just over the frame very exposed to the boots - does it bother at all when ridding? I thougth the system came with a different support for it.


Keiran - here's the actual link

I ride with Sidi SRS Supermoto boots (the mx boots with replaceable soles) and at no point do they touch the brake hose when riding.

Number3 25-06-08 23:02

took a few more pics today for those that are interested - much better quality and in decent light this time. Here's a couple below, for the rest follow this LINK


Tony660x 26-06-08 11:04


johnno 26-06-08 17:11

i agree 100 %

Originally Posted by Tony660x (Post 60122)

maxwell123455 26-06-08 19:52

Still looks great:family:

bonnienut 29-06-08 12:05


this is the link on metal mule website

bonnienut 11-03-09 13:43

Number 3, how is your new exhaust still running?
Do you need to fit a new filter and power commander? As the metal mule website states it can be used without any alterations?

Number3 11-03-09 16:35


Originally Posted by bonnienut (Post 85499)
Number 3, how is your new exhaust still running?
Do you need to fit a new filter and power commander? As the metal mule website states it can be used without any alterations?

For me biking season shuts down as of late October/November and starts again in April. There is still a lot of snow on the ground as we speak and spring cant come soon enough!!! I managed to get out a 10 minute blat in December before it began to snow again and the exhaust seem to be fine.

I had already upgrade to a K&N filter, but not yet got the stage 2. Personally, like all pipes, could probably do with some tweaking with a power comander but as far it goes I am completely happy with it. It goes in for its 10,000km service in april and I plan to ride it the summer out.

The only sad news is that everyone in my XT gang seems to be changing bikes, and I must admit I really really wanting an Aprilia SXV.... but we'll see. right now the XT costs me very little to keep on the road, is great fun and easy to maintain so who knows..... but 70bhp and 120kgs is very very attractive... :)


Stewpot666 14-05-09 20:43

was it easy to fit?

was it easy to fit?

do you have to remove, or change the position of anything?


Number3 14-05-09 20:52


Originally Posted by Stewpot666 (Post 93995)

was it easy to fit?

do you have to remove, or change the position of anything?


Very very easy to fit. It took about 1 hour (inclusing taking the old set off). The only thing you need to move is the rear brake fluid resevoir, but the exhaust system comes with a special braket to move it out the way, so it is no problem at all.

They say that you do not need either to protect any tubes from the heat (as the pipe now runs close to the coolant pipe) but for my own personal peace of mind, I ordered some heat protective tape to go around the coolant pipe. I am sure it would never melt but just in case. The exhaust kits also comes with some heat reflective pad to go under the airbox to prevent that from melting. However the airbox is right about where the pipe goes so I guess this could potentially melt without some sort of heat reflector.

Number 3

Denny 14-05-09 21:41

Number 3, only just seen the pics...she looks a minter!!

Number3 14-05-09 22:03


Originally Posted by Denny (Post 94013)
Number 3, only just seen the pics...she looks a minter!!

That she is, but for how much longer well who knows as the XT is up for sale. It was a fantastic bike and must thank it for introducing me to the world of supermoto (having previously been obsessed with sportsbikes), and now I have the bug I am after something a lot lighter that is more track focused. So I am likely to leave the Yamaha island and set sail for KTM, Aprilla or Suzuki waters....

FHR 15-05-09 14:33

I finally installed the MM exhaust 2 weeks ago. It wasn't easy at all to fit it correctly, it took us some 3 hours to get it in the right place and had to change the rear clamps and add another one to have it a bit closer to the top of the bike not to touch the rear arm in case of a jump or hitting a pothole. We also smeared some special silicone in the joints.

All and all, the system is cheap, the performance is good for pure light trail with my XTR (against the WRs of my friends...), it saves some 10kg aprox. and rises the bike 5cms. Both are substantial changes. On the other hand, it requires a db killer (too loud for me, easy and cheap to make your own) and it's not ITV approved so be careful if you need to get a licence renewal. I also installed Kev's fork spacer which improves the handling going fast in the dirt.

I guess I should now change the front sprocket to 13 to be able to get the most of the bike part. to be able to use the 3rd gear trailing and control better the skidding of the rear wheel.

If you add a pair of T63s or Metz. Unicross you are all set for adventure, like we did recently, 1450kms in 3,5 days across the north east of Iberia!

Cheers and be careful out there


Number3 15-05-09 15:24

Sorry to hear you found it a little tricky, I must admit I didnt encompass any of those issues. I found it very simple to get the pipes to run in the right place before tightning everything up. Maybe I got lucky!

Daveb 18-05-09 23:46

Number three - MM have changed the end can design from yours on the latest cans to a concial end cap and the clearances are very tight literally 2mm by the plastic cowling that in indicator bolts to. My system took ages to fit but that was in part to the second down pipe being too long and I had to cut it down by 5mm before it would fit into the main exhaust pipe properly. It would also be worth noting that the down pipe on the right of the bike obscures one of the allen bolts meaning that you cannot tighten it up - easily solved by replacing this with a nut & washer but a pain if you don't have one to hand.

The pain was worth it and the lack of those pipes under the engine does look great. Noise wise I think they are OK in town so long as you don't crack open the throttle - performance wise can't say I notice any difference though.

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