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ian.sutton 13-03-18 08:49


Originally Posted by Taipan (Post 234123)
Went out and looked at it on Sunday. Coil and plug cap resistances were all within spec. Trimmed the lead back until i saw shiny copper wire and even dabbed a bit of copper slip in there. Tried the old plug and new plug and it sparks but it doesn't look a nice big fat blue spark?

One thing I did find was when i lifted the tank up, the quick release fuel line connection popped off by itself? Bit miffed by this as it did behave like a bike that was running out of petrol, but wouldn't this line be pressurised and run erratically if pressure wasn't maintained, yet the bike ran well it eventually started?

Anyway, after doing what I did, it started straight up, but it would do that sometimes or most times anyway. I guess the next few days well tell me how it is. I hate intermittent faults.

Fuel line popping off doesn't sound good. But I would expect you to have fuel leaking out everywhere if it wasn't making a seal? When I was diagnosing mine, I disconnected the fuel line from the fuel rail and switched on the bike: fuel pumps out the hose at a fair rate!

Update on my bike: rode it 10 miles Sunday evening -No issues.
Rode it yesterday morning on my commute - 25 miles - No issues.
Went to ride it home after work and although it started fine, it wouldn't allow me to rev it. As I did, it tried to stall.
Eventually it did stall as I wanted to get the revs up. It started fine, on the button.

After a minute or so of the bike ticking over, it allowed me to rev it gradually. The ride home was somewhat eratic at times. There seemed to be no consistancy with it's actions.
Got it on the motorway and it was ok, but it did feel like the bike was "hunting"
Stopped off half way home and screwed the coil plug cap onto the lead a bit more.
The rest of the journey home was without issues....

Last night I removed the coil plug cap and used some electrical cleaner and a thin long brush and gave it a good clean. Fair bit of crap in there.
Started it up no issues, gave it a run around the block and all was fine - but have not used it today to commute.

Taipan 13-03-18 13:24


Originally Posted by ian.sutton (Post 234127)
Fuel line popping off doesn't sound good. But I would expect you to have fuel leaking out everywhere if it wasn't making a seal? When I was diagnosing mine, I disconnected the fuel line from the fuel rail and switched on the bike: fuel pumps out the hose at a fair rate!

Update on my bike: rode it 10 miles Sunday evening -No issues.
Rode it yesterday morning on my commute - 25 miles - No issues.
Went to ride it home after work and although it started fine, it wouldn't allow me to rev it. As I did, it tried to stall.
Eventually it did stall as I wanted to get the revs up.
It started fine, on the button.

After a minute or so of the bike ticking over, it allowed me to rev it gradually. The ride home was somewhat eratic at times. There seemed to be no consistancy with it's actions.
Got it on the motorway and it was ok, but it did feel like the bike was "hunting"
Stopped off half way home and screwed the coil plug cap onto the lead a bit more.
The rest of the journey home was without issues....

Last night I removed the coil plug cap and used some electrical cleaner and a thin long brush and gave it a good clean. Fair bit of crap in there.
Started it up no issues, gave it a run around the block and all was fine - but have not used it today to commute.

The first time mine played up, it just failed to start and i abandoned it and took my other bike to work. When I got home I tried it again and it started straight up, so I thought it was just one of those things and would take it again in the morning.

Next morning it did exactly what yours did up there. I finally got it revving and rode it, but it was a bit down on power, then it cut out on me on a busy roundabout!! Pushed it to safety and waited a few minutes, then it fired back up and ran just fine.

Mine had probably only played up 5 or 6 times, but its always seemed like fuel rather than electrical, as you sort of coax it into life, like an old carb bike that gradually pulls the fuel through?

ian.sutton 13-03-18 17:10

Yeah, I�ve read through your whole post.
Very simular issues.
I will update my post accordingly and keep an eye on yours to see if a solution arises...

Taipan 14-03-18 10:21


Originally Posted by ian.sutton (Post 234133)
Yeah, I�ve read through your whole post.
Very simular issues.
I will update my post accordingly and keep an eye on yours to see if a solution arises...

Mine started and rode perfectly again today?

On another forum, another XTX owner said its worth checking the throttle position sensor as they are not unknown to fail and he'd had two on his 60k bike. I haven't checked the archives, but guess as they are a resistor you could take a reading that should be within a set range?

ian.sutton 15-03-18 09:49

Mine is still running fine too after two days of riding....

I did check my TPS using DIAG mode and values were within range.
(but I guess they would be while the bike is running ok)

My plan now is to see if it plays up again. When / if it does, shut the bike off and enter DIAG mode. If all values are within spec, then it has to be something non-senor related...?

Taipan 15-03-18 11:06

Mine played up this morning. Just kept spinning over without firing up. Stuck another plug in the HT cap and the spark is really weak. Even put my finger on the plug and only got a minor shock? Replaced the HT cap on the bikes plug and kept spinning it over and eventually it spluttered into life and away I went. Rode perfectly once I got it going. I'll go through the earth points at the weekend...

nikroc 15-03-18 11:19

Have you considered trying a different coil?..

Taipan 15-03-18 14:56


Originally Posted by nikroc (Post 234148)
Have you considered trying a different coil?..

I have, but no difference. Coil, lead and ht cap all in spec on the multimeter too.

Taipan 16-03-18 11:44

I've decided to part ways with mine and stuck it on eBay with the fault disclosed. I got a message from a guy who said the following, which I thought i'd share. Might be worth checking out?

Hello mate
This starting issue is down to a dirty injector
Take your injector out and send it to a company called ' injectortune' costs 20 quid all done and it'll go like a champ again

ian.sutton 16-03-18 11:47

Worth a try for �20...
Also ties in with some other peoples comments around fuel additives to help clean the fuel system...

Got to be worth a go mate.

Out of interest; how many miles has your bike done?

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