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Nelly71 16-10-16 11:32

Xt660x cutting out ?
Hi all I've a x it's got 18k on clock , every now and then it will cut out on slow down , it's got microns on it and k&n , I may ride for 2 hours no problem then it will cut out but restart no problem, and sometimes not at all over a3hour ride ,
Any thoughts from you guys ?
Cheers Neil :signthankspin:

Pleiades 16-10-16 18:10

Most of the time this sort of behaviour can be attributed to a low idle speed. Check that the warm idle speed is around the 1450rpm mark.

On X/R models you need to get a rev counter displayed in the bike's dash to set idle speed, so follow this procedure:

First set engine run/kill switch to 'off' (and ignition to off).

Press both 'SELECT' and 'RESET' buttons and then switch ON the ignition. Keep 'SELECT' and 'RESET' buttons held down for at least eight seconds. The dash then changes to show 'DIAG' in the display. Now release 'SELECT' and 'RESET' buttons.

Press the 'SELECT' button once so 'CO' shows in the display. Now press 'SELECT' and 'RESET' buttons again and hold them down till 'CO1' appears in the display.

With 'CO1' showing, switch on the run/kill switch and start the engine. The revs will now be displayed.

Nelly71 16-10-16 19:00

I'll give it a go tomorrow thank you for your help so far

Nelly71 16-10-16 19:07

One point I adjust throttle cable to up revs , it's not via computer?

Pleiades 16-10-16 19:35


Originally Posted by Nelly71 (Post 225790)
One point I adjust throttle cable to up revs , it's not via computer?

You adjust it with the throttle stop screw (with red paint on it in my case):


Clockwise to raise idle and anticlockwise to lower. Make sure the engine is up to full operating temperature before making any adjustments.

Nelly71 16-10-16 19:44

I must say on tick over every now and then it seems to miss a beat , maybe me just looking for anything

Pleiades 16-10-16 20:03


Originally Posted by Nelly71 (Post 225793)
I must say on tick over every now and then it seems to miss a beat

That's pretty symptomatic of a low idle on any single cylinder engine.

Nelly71 16-10-16 20:28

I will come back tomorrow with more information, but sounds like you have answered my problem

Nelly71 17-10-16 17:31

It fluctuates a fair bit but turned it up 1/2 turn will see when out if any better
If not can I pick your brains a bit more
Cheers Neil

Pleiades 17-10-16 23:01

See how you get on. Just out of interest, do you know when the spark plug was last changed? A slightly off/old/worn plug can cause rough low speed running on singles.


Originally Posted by Nelly71 (Post 225821)
If not can I pick your brains a bit more

You are welcome to pick what's left of them! ;)

Nelly71 18-10-16 08:25

It's the same plug that came with bike , got bike about 6 months ago from dealer
They was meant to do full service , but I did change over to new plug as I thought it may have been problem , but still had issue, so put old plug back in as was a better quality plug , bike had a little box under seat witch replaced air switch on air box , I've taken that off as well , but still cuts out every now and then
On doing idle rpm at first was 1320 ish now is 1470 ish
Now waiting for next ride to see if this has sorted it
Cheers Neil

nikroc 18-10-16 12:17

Sounds like you've taken off one of Kev's mods that most of us pay to put on!!..post a picture maybe to confirm ?..

What kinda condition is the air filter like?

May not be related but have you thought about running Redex through the fuel system?..cant hurt none..

Nelly71 18-10-16 15:18

K&n filter in great condition just cleaned and oiled, box had 5 mini switches set in different ways changed settings , or so the information said off internet, it was set to 100% , TBH it's made no change with it off , only on start up I seem to now have choke as the revs are a bit higher on cold start , power wise no change
Don't back fire as much as well on run down ,
Cheers for your reply

Pleiades 18-10-16 18:26


Originally Posted by Nelly71 (Post 225841)
On doing idle rpm at first was 1320 ish now is 1470 ish

1470 rpm is much more like it. 1320 rpm is too low for a reliable idle and on a quickly closed throttle, going down through the gears, cutting out will occur now and again.

Was the box something along these lines...


Not the greatest bit of kit. Effectively do the same as a Kev Mod but the setting process is more hit and miss, partly because they are generic (so the resistances don't necessarily suit the XT's AIT sensor range) and partly because they are not infinitely variable within a given resistance range, only offering fixed steps in resistance. The biggest issue is nobody has (AFAIK) ever put one on a dyno to see what they do and whether the work effectively. Kev's mod has been thoroughly dyno and road tested and the evidence clearly shows it does what it says on the tin.

Anyhow, I reckon the up in idle will sort it...

Nelly71 18-10-16 18:41

Your very good exactly the same box , thought it was crap , I've heard about this Kev mod but TBH how and where do I get one , cheers for on going help

nikroc 18-10-16 19:12

pm Kev himself..he offers a discount if you buy both his mods at same time. Takes a week to come n an hour to fit both..if your slow like me..

Nelly71 18-10-16 19:59

Silly question
Is his forum name just Kev ?

nikroc 18-10-16 20:04

take a look in the tech sction...ASK KEV...

Nelly71 18-10-16 20:19

Thank you

Pleiades 18-10-16 20:30


Originally Posted by nikroc (Post 225866)
take a look in the tech section...ASK KEV...

You need to become a "supporting member" to access the above section. It only cost a tenner for a year and there are loads of other benefits. See the links in my signature line.

Just out of interest Neil - What model year is your bike?

Nelly71 18-10-16 20:42

Yea just found out can't access the parts I need to ,
My bike is a 2008 Xt660x with the smaller tank plastics

nikroc 18-10-16 20:46

Join..its worth it..

Nelly71 18-10-16 20:48

I've no PayPal , but I'll get on it ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป Thanks again for help so far

Nelly71 22-10-16 17:15

Been out today still cuts out only twice , it's like someone just hitting kill switch
Getting fed up now , โ˜น๏ธ๏ธ

nikroc 22-10-16 18:32

Have you joined the forum yet?..

Nelly71 22-10-16 18:59

No I've not had anyone to PayPal for me yet , burning my bike has crossed my mind ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
It's not good I'm doing my advanced training and it's cutting out at the worst time as always ๐Ÿ˜ก

nikroc 22-10-16 19:29

personally id make joining the forum a priority..what have you tried to do to cure the problem?..

Air filter clean and spark plug ok?..id put a new plug in.

Have you set the idle speed as discussed?

Under what circumstances does it cut out/stall?...

Nelly71 22-10-16 20:09

Air filter clean , new plug going in first thing tomorrow, idle done 1470 , it's always when slowing down with closed trottle , donk like a switch getting turned off ,
Forum next on list ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Nelly71 23-10-16 16:09

All down hill today , put new plug in cutting out more and missing when riding ,

nikroc 23-10-16 17:13

Did you check the plug gap?..is the ht lead correctly fitted/pushed home?..

put old one back if you have done the above..does it run ok again with old plug?

its rare but new plugs can be duff

Nelly71 23-10-16 17:21

New plug , bike runs 85% of the time fine not a problem, today it's started cutting out when just reving it up , it still surges as if it's missing beats when trying to control throttle, if I ride it like I stole it you don't find much of a issue but as I'm now trying to keep to low speed limits and feathering low revs it's increased the problems , I'm lost with the issue now , but thank you again for your help

cca 23-10-16 17:28

Did you check TPS after adjusting idle?

Nelly71 23-10-16 17:43


Originally Posted by cca (Post 225995)
Did you check TPS after adjusting idle?

No I didn't ? , I only turned screw 1/4 turn if that , I'm lossed with it as 85% of the time it's fine no issues at all , if things were out of adjustments would it not be a issue 100% of the time ?

Pleiades 23-10-16 18:17

Shouldn't need to touch TPS setting with idle adjustment of that amount, but that is of course assuming that it hasn't been messed about with in the first place?

If you're still having trouble then you may won't to have a look at this thread, particularly points 6 (CO) and 7 (TPS).

Nelly71 23-10-16 18:48

Thank you , ill put other plug back in and up co rating see if that makes any change , if not I think it's shop time ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

Nelly71 25-10-16 13:51

Put it in shop the get it checked over nothing major found just need to take it out for blast , fingers crossed

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