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Marcus90 26-08-16 13:00

xt 660 x - 06 blown gearbox :/
Hi, yesterday when riding my 2nd gear left my engine, literaly. It has blown a hole in the top of the engine block in the size of a creditcard. I think the whole gearbox needs to be replaced and the engine block too. Do any one know where to find a used engine, i have searched on ebay and called many shops in sweden (im from sweden). and ive checked everywhere i can think of. Do you have any suggestions on where to look next?

Kind regards Marcus

sorry for the bad english!

Pleiades 26-08-16 13:36

Italy always seems to be a good source of XT motors. Don't forget X, R, Z and MT-03 engines are all interchangeable too.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2007-2011-YAMAHA-XT660-motore-completo-15-000-km-complete-engine-mt-03-/272346310057?hash=item3f691ae5a9:g:KocAAOSwIgNXpve M

Marcus90 26-08-16 13:42


Originally Posted by Pleiades (Post 224284)
Italy always seems to be a good source of XT motors. Don't forget X, R, Z and MT-03 engines are all interchangeable too.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2007-2011-YAMAHA-XT660-motore-completo-15-000-km-complete-engine-mt-03-/272346310057?hash=item3f691ae5a9:g:KocAAOSwIgNXpve M

Hi, i have found that one my self and i called up the local yamaha dealer and the workshop guy told me that theres a diffrense in engine placement in the frame, and that the gearbox and electronics at diffrent aswell.

but you mean that this engine might work to replace my current one? no need of changeing engine placement in the frame? and i can use my current electrical system too?

Thanks for the replay!

Pleiades 26-08-16 13:49

Yes the looms are different (you would reuse yours anyway), but the motor is EXACTLY the same in every respect, including the engine mounts and all ancillaries. MT-03 motors tend to be better used as they have lower miles and are generally less abused.

Pleiades 26-08-16 13:54

Some more for you...

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-XT660X-R-5VK-2009-2004-5-6-7-8-10-11-Engine-Motor-46-/152114466447?hash=item236aba8e8f:g:DxsAAOSwvg9XUbo W

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ENGINE-GUARANTEED-YAMAHA-MT-03-660-2006-2014/291772993844?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkpa rms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3 D38707%26meid%3D337ba751e8ea40639870bc1d0aeddcf7%2 6pid%3D100005%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D18%26sd%3D152114466 447

Marcus90 26-08-16 13:55


Originally Posted by Pleiades (Post 224287)
Yes the looms are different (you would reuse yours anyway), but the motor is EXACTLY the same in every respect, including the engine mounts and all ancillaries. MT-03 motors tend to be better used as they have lower miles and are generally less abused.

Ok thank you very much! Im highly considering that mt-03 engine, it looks good and if there are any problems i can just use the parts from it anyway if the physical engine parts are the same. Do i replace the whole loom fr�n my bike directly over? no fitting problems? and the clutch is the same right?

Thanks for all your help, and i hopp its ok that i got some questions.

Pleiades 26-08-16 13:57

Have you seen the two links above I posted. The second of the two looks like a good motor?

Marcus90 26-08-16 14:25


Originally Posted by Pleiades (Post 224290)
Have you seen the two links above I posted. The second of the two looks like a good motor?

Yea ive seen them all and im thinking deeply on what whould be the best option, im comparing the miles on the diffrent engines. The loom you speak of, is it placed on the left side on the engine under the statorcover?

Which engine do you think is best? im leaning towards the first one you posted with the 15000km on it, ive got the parts that are missing on that engine. is it the loom thats needed on the left side of the engine that is missing on the pictures?

thank you for your help and reply!

Pleiades 26-08-16 14:35

The alternator/crank pulse sensor loom is the same on all bikes. Usually it comes with the motor. Doesn't really matter if it's missing as you can reuse your stator and attached loom.

It is only the bike's main loom that is unique to each model. As I said, the ancillary component looms, sensor wires and their connectors are all the same.

As for which is best, you'll have to use your gut instinct on that! ;)

Marcus90 26-08-16 14:51


Originally Posted by Pleiades (Post 224294)
The alternator/crank pulse sensor loom is the same on all bikes. Usually it comes with the motor. Doesn't really matter if it's missing as you can reuse your stator and attached loom.

It is only the bike's main loom that is unique to each model. As I said, the ancillary component looms, sensor wires and their connectors are all the same.

As for which is best, you'll have to use your gut instinct on that! ;)

Yea ofcourse, i will reuse everything that i can :) I think i will take the 15000km one, lower distance traveld usualy means better condition too :)

Thank you once again for all your help! Amazing what can be done from the help of some one miles and miles away!

/ Marcus, Sweden

Pleiades 26-08-16 15:02

Good luck with it. Keep us posted on how you get on.

When you have done the swap, strip you old engine down and sell off what parts you don't need individually on ebay. You will be surprised as to how much money you can get back on the whole project. Don't be tempted (as a lot do) to sell a whole engine "with damaged gearbox" it makes people suspicious that the whole thing is abused and puts people off. Much better breaking up if you have the time.

waynovetten 26-08-16 18:10

Looking on ebay I see there's a low mileage motor done exactly the same thing and punched a hole out of the top of the crankcase.

Marcus90 27-08-16 01:20


Originally Posted by waynovetten (Post 224299)
Looking on ebay I see there's a low mileage motor done exactly the same thing and punched a hole out of the top of the crankcase.

Hi where have you seen that engine, like to see it just for study purposes. you got a link to it maybe?

Alsow i saw a thread from june this sommer from a guy that had his 2012 mint condition xt have the exact same thing happen to his bike. My bike had developed a strange noice the last 4000km but nothing seemed wrong, and the last maybe 1000km i thought i feelt a slight vibration on the fotpegs but was not sure.

Ive ordered a mt-03 engine that looks ok, and will recive it in a couple of weeks.

waynovetten 27-08-16 13:39

Ebay UK its a 2012 engine go into completed it went for �120

jibber 28-08-16 08:22


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