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New XTR 2014 Modifications
Hello to everybody.
I bought a new 2014 XT 660 R in white color two weeks ago. I just want to share and document all the changes and modifications that I will be doing to it. Any comments or questions are welcome.... Hope You enjoy the photos. va |
I know, this is not the best picture, but is the only I have from the first day.
http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps4352aca3.jpg Here You can see it loaded with some of my Wolfman Luggage. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps4bba65c4.jpg While I wait for some parts to arribe to My country ( Chile is at the end of the world...) I installed old Acerbis hand guards and a new real leather seat cover. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps85767319.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...pse2d0c4cb.jpg Happy new year to all of You. |
Nice looking bike :)
Thank You!!!!
Finally on december 31st I received two boxes!!! Still more to come....:smilies0948: Here are the pictures... http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps12e14691.jpg The OTR Wind Screen. First I installed it with the rubber border but didn't like it so I removed it. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps7194d90f.jpg OTR clutch protection http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps7f165c26.jpg OTR Rear rack http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps6df9842a.jpg Pivot Pegz, I am still no convinced for this modification, maybe is just a matter of time...... http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps0df71b7c.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psdb459434.jpg OTR brake pedal, being honest didn't like it. It is shorter than the OEM and it is very difficult to operate. Today I installed back the original. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps7a0e8ec0.jpg OTR Side Stand Extension http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps609b6a6e.jpg And the Burkbusters.... http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps331690ea.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psb4f758e2.jpg The bike is becoming nicer. :):):) Next week I have a two days trip with some friends, it will be the opportunity to real test the bike, until now I have just used it to go to work... See You. |
Always loved the XT in blue with these stickers.....
http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psdb6f9408.jpg So.... I ordered them form eBay :):):):) |
I couldn't wait until next week trip.
Yesterday I talked with a friend and we decided to do a half day trip today in the morning. The bike behave really well, even with the stock tires. The only problem was the driver.....Not to experienced..:( http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5c0c173a.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps07121286.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psd3fd997e.jpg Now she has her first scars....:):):) http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps39c2edcc.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psd0aa2348.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps8d12fb93.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps3ad149b2.jpg Nothing really bad, only the right foot peg support was bent. Fortunately I had installed the OTR clutch cover protection!!! See You... |
Do yourself a favour and fit a sump guard. My XTR has a B & B (made here in Aus) fitted. Ditch the Tourances. They're rubbish IMHO.
Finally we did the weekend trip with my friend. It was a really tough trip but fortunately nobody had any drop or accident. The XTR behaved really well. My only problem were the tires. I installed TKC80 two days before but the motorcycle started with a very pronounced movement on the steering. I know that knob tires make these kind of thing but in this case it was much more pronounced !!!! it was a big wobble. Because of this I decided to install Pirelli MT60 on both wheels, not the perfect solution but good enough. The problem is not solved yet. I am still trying to find the reason, maybe a not too tight steering bolts or too soft front suspension.... Here You have some photos.... http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...pseac89825.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psbfbe37c6.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps5d822692.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psde6abe18.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps580104f1.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps8d126f7c.jpg As You can see in the pictures, I installed a new sump guard, engine protection bars and other accessories.... see You soon.... |
Nice pics, good mods.
mt-60's on my XTX, great on road, good on gravel and hard pack, as useless as anything else come mud. Pivot pegs, he's my neighbour : ), I guess less boot scrub, comfortable standing up, much better than OEM. |
the bike looks grate and nice mods :)
i always thought the OTR luggage rack looked too small but now seeing your pictures it looks ok think there site pics dont do it justice. think imight just get one :) |
2 Attachment(s)
I used a generic yammy folding lever, it needs another 10mm taken off and re-weld
The brake side I cut off the pedal and added a swivel top, works well clutch lever.jpg brake lever.jpg |
Hello to everybody.
I bought the front fork springs KIT. Yesterday when I received the boxe it sais that they are for XT660X :089: The �hlins product number I received from OTR is 8716-60. I understand that the springs codes ar as follow: 8716-50 XTX and XTZ 8716-60 XTX and XTZ 8709-50 XTR Please, someone can help me if I can use them or not in my bike? Are them different length? There are spacers in the 8716-60 box and I read in some f�rum that they must be used in the XTZ and not in the XTX. What about if I use them on the XTR? I already contacted OTR but still have not answer.... I understand that the final number is for N/m messure. Thanks to all of You. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psgpdeavun.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psuudu5zkk.jpg |
Hello Everybody.
Finally I installed both ends of my new �hlins suspensi�n. Here You can see some pictures of the process. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps2oqixxoy.jpg This is the difference in length between the OE spring with the loooong spacer and the �hlins. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psrctckmma.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psrvxzojh6.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psj9pezezz.jpg Also I receibed the new clothe for my XTR and the new Protaper handlebar. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psh9dzyju1.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...ps0id7jkxx.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psvop2jfwt.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psp31paxai.jpg http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psjqyxb5s5.jpg The wooble problem was solved giving a small amount of torque to the main steering nut. Now she looks and ride perfect....:headbang: See You.. |
Pegz and Levers
Hello Valfaro
Great mods and what great roads and scenery in Chile. How do you find the Pivot Pegz? Are you happy with them ? You seem a bit unsure ? Also - The Off Road Protection Clutch cover looks great. How does it attach ? Glue or bolt on. Im enjoying your thread. Cheers TDU |
How you doing? I like your brake mod.. please can you share a bit more detail on how you did it? Thanks TDU |
Still, if the bike's handling like a dream now, it's all purely academic! ;) |
Hi Pleiades,
Sorry for not being specific in this topic :YellowCrazy_J8GDC6: When I refer to the main steering nut I am talking about the Lower ring nut. I just gave it a few hammer hits to tighten it...just wanted to know if this was causing the problem. http://i1379.photobucket.com/albums/...psa18bffsd.png About the many changes, yes, it may looks like, but first of all let me explain You... The new suspension was installed by my local Yamaha Dealer, we thought that this was going to solve the problem. I am friend of the Dealer owner. After the new suspension was done, I tested the motorcycle driving back home and it was in the same situation.....the strange very pronunced wobble was still there...:gobain:. Because my local dealer is about 2 hour from my city :sad2:, I decided to try doing the hammer process at home...and it solved everything....:SpinHappy_15XK8L: When I sais "hammer process" I mean that I used a flat screwdriver inserted in one of the spaces of the ring nut and gave it soft hits with a hammer....is important to clarify that I desmounted the upper bracket and removed the lock washer before doing this.... Before doing the suspension change I checked the torque of the steering stem nut but it was OK. During this week I will follow the right process as the manual says and I hope that it will keep OK. Then I would asume that the initial problem was that the Motorcycle came with the Lower ring nut loose..... Remember that I am using TKC80 tires now and the motorcycle is behaving perfect with them...... Hope I solved Your questions......and sorry for my english, it is not perfect. See You. |
About the Pivot Pegz I recognized that during the first two days they felt wired and because of this I installed normal pegz to compare today. After riding the first kilometer I was sure that I wanted to go back to the Pivots.....!!!!!! Is just a matter of getting use to them, but now that I have compared I only can say that they are very compfortable and in off road use they are even more amazing. Having the opportunity to move your feet when driving without lifting them is great!!! The OTR clutch protection came with a double side sticker installed in the back. You just have to peel off the protection film and place it. See You.... |
BTW - Your English is very good. Much better than my Spanish! :respeck: Enjoy your newly improved XT! :023: |
Well Valfaro, dude, you must own an oil rig to be able to afford all those mods in such quick succession. I'm entirely jealous! Nice bike!
Back to the XT Family...
HI Everybody.... Sorry for all this time out. IN the last Two years so many things happened in my life, divorced, blah blah blah ...... I bought a new XT660Z about 3 month ago and I love it.... Will post Some of my mods and trips soon... Good luck to all of You.... |
Just read the thread from the beginning, and enjoyed the read very much. It's interesting to see how the bike changed as you made the different modifications. And Now starting all over again. I am just starting to mod my 2013 Xt660x and really enjoying it. I have the Kev mod on the way soon and have already installed new cans. Good luck with the new bike and single life... and keep the thread going with plenty of pictures please. |
Bike looks lovely and Chile looks like a bikers dream
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