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Macca2801 06-09-13 12:03


Originally Posted by peds650 (Post 191584)
Hi Macca, are they offering some type of discount, because I have just compared prices on the SW motech centre stand $279 + shipping from Motoradgarage or $213 including shipping from OTR

Can't remember what I paid, but I'm in Perth and didn't need postage just walked in!!

Harryn 10-09-13 11:30

Well 7 days later my parcel with my DNA filters has arrived ( well done BR special tuning) All in excellent condition. Not bad service at all me thinks. Now I have my filters, my fuel mods, hopefully I won't stuff it up. Be interesting to see the difference.

Petenz 10-09-13 12:09


Originally Posted by platty (Post 191537)
Hmmm and I could almost guess some of the dealers / shops /suppliers that you are talking about ... but they do have to pay for those shiny new shops somehow :nana:

and import duty / GST / importers mark up..
aswell as pay staff so yer fellow country men
can put food on the table for there kids & a roof
over there head..
unlike the faceless web sites that in a lot of cases
have very few over heads...
most of the bike shops don't have the sort of mark
up most seem to think they do... Here in NZ anything
thats privately imported under $400 NZ is free of GST
& import duty ,that makes it dam hard for the local dealers to compete...

I do buy from overseas aswell if the part is unobtainable
localy or over prised...
but I would rather see my $ go into the local merry go round
if at all possable...

Harryn 10-09-13 12:16


Originally Posted by Petenz (Post 191808)
and import duty / GST / importers mark up..
aswell as pay staff so yer fellow country men
can put food on the table for there kids & a roof
over there head..
unlike the faceless web sites that in a lot of cases
have very few over heads...

I do buy from overseas aswell if the part is unobtainable
localy or over prised...
but I would rather see my $ go into the local merry go round
if at all possable...

Pete, couldn't agree more with the above. I'll do the same if I can, but the thing that really gets me is the lack of service. But you raise an interesting point. Importers have they become defunct in a Global Economy?

ThunderDownUnder 16-09-13 13:28

Aussie Dealers
Hey - I'm the first to want to buy local and support the local guys but in the end if I'm saving $200 then I'm going elsewhere.. Have you tried asking them if they'll price match or "do a deal?" You'll be surprised that a lot of the time they will do a deal. Especially if they have it in stock.

On the subject of "knowledge" in all fairness .. No Yammy salesman is going to know everything about every bike and they cannot compete with the combined power of the Internet.

Yes they do have to pay for their shiny dealerships and their staff and expenses just like most retailers.. Try give them a go and negotiate...


Mozzbie47 14-11-13 08:38

Could someone add a contact for Germany or the USA,
I priced parts at the local Yamaha dealer last weekend, I thought bloody hell, that's expensive.
Keep in mind, many USA outlets wont ship to customers that are not in the states.

Harryn 14-11-13 11:43

Hi Moz,
There is http://www.off-the-road.de, some people seem to like them, others not. I haven't dealt with them myself.
As for the US, it depends on what you are after. They don't have the Tennere in the US, so bits and pieces for that are pretty much non existent. Not sure if they have the rest of the XT range. There is a UK Yam supplier whose name escapes me, but if you do a Google search it usually comes up. See how you go.

greg 05-01-14 05:42

Precisely the same experience with DNA filters as described above.. hell I even tried to do the right thing (buy in Melbourne) but the roadblocks were frequent (wait 4 weeks, must order at a dealer, dealer clueless & unhelpful).
Gave up, went home and got it online easier, cheaper and within 10 days.

Please don't give me the poor dealer high overhead rubbish, price is not the central issue (for me anyway) - it is an inefficient supply chain & complete lack of interest in any sort of service making it attractive to not have to go near a bike shop!

The added bonus that it is also cheaper just makes it compelling to shop online.

Depressing really but most of my motorbike spending dollars go to the US, UK and Germany these days.

tenerod 04-02-14 10:35

All my small bits and pieces l buy from my local bike shop where l purchased the bike.
Things like oil filters, the occasional air filter, oils seals for the hubs, oil, leavers, chain and sprockets and even cush rubbers (lots of cush rubbers grrrr ) I paid through the nose for the first few things then the prices dropped dramatically. Now l give them part numbers and don't need to give a deposit. Even when l don't collect things for months afterwards. Sometimes l order things just to make sure it's in stock next time l want one ha ha ha.
But all the big stuff it's OTR. One stop shop. DNA Greece was cheap and prompt.

Perth W.A.

Harryn 05-02-14 23:49


Originally Posted by tenerod (Post 196790)
Things like oil filters, the occasional air filter, oils seals for the hubs, oil, leavers, chain and sprockets and even cush rubbers (lots of cush rubbers grrrr )

Rod, have you tried Kev's mod for the cush rubbers? Simple and effective!

Another thing��..tried to buy a replacement seat for a DR650. Shouldn't be hard I thought. Rang around, no joy. Rang the distributor for the seat we were after���3 weeks at best. When you read reviews of the Australian distributor, 2 months was not uncommon :sad11:
So back online, had the seat within a week! And substantially cheaper. I tried to buy it here, but what do you have to do? Get down on your hands and knees and beg??

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