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Metzy 03-07-12 10:34

A bit O Carnage with pics
<edit - GULG>

************** W A R N I N G **************

*** Don't go any further if you are squeamish ***


<end of edit >


Well I came off the Tenere on a old Bitumen highway and had a week stay in Hospital and was put under twice to clean my elbow out. It can't be seen in the elbow picture but there is a pocket under the main wound that has actually been rubbed to the bone underneath. Definitely a case of being complacent with wearing the gear, all I was doing was test riding after a oil change and wearing shorts and tee shirt. I do think the engine bars and bark busters saved the bike from a lot more damage.


Gas_Up_Lets_Go 03-07-12 10:39

Pretty gruesome pictures, but what a great advert for wearing the right gear while riding.

We used to have an old saying over here, back in the 70's and early 80's, when they were trying to get us all to wear seat belts - 'Clunk Click Every Trip' same could be said for protective riding gear.

Good to see you are OK, though I'll bet it still smarts a bit :075:

RafaelMartins 03-07-12 15:46

Ouch! I wish a fast recovery for you!

Ohlins 03-07-12 16:45

Good pics to post to keep us all educated as to what can happen when we think.."Oh I'll just take it around the block'.....I wear my gear all the time and recently I've been thinking just to nip out that it would be OK in jeans and enduro jacket as it's 25-30c these days....

Thanks for confirming that I should continue the way I do and always have done...full leathers with enduro jacket and MX boots...

Glad the moto was not too badly damaged considering it's weight coming into contact with a hard surface..

I wish you a speedy recovery.

I will show the pics to my Son tonight as he's just starting out road riding albeit on his moped over here....flop flips and shorts are normal here for the young'uns...


mrfijjitt 03-07-12 17:21

Ouch, Glad you mending..
Hope you heal up all good.

I have definately changed my views recently about wearing protective gear all the time.
Not so long ago I had a stumble at about 10 mph and hurt myself, a month off work because I couldn't walk. I was wearing offroad boots and lots of pads in jacket and trousers. Boots more than likely stopped me breaking my ankle.

I only skimp on the clothing when abroad and it's hot. But thinking about it, the last thing I need is to end up in hospital on holiday :(

tacomodo 03-07-12 17:44

Ouch, that looks horrible!

What caused the crash?

Ohlins 03-07-12 23:39

Yeah...what actually happened?...a blue hair in a cage cut you off?


SimonRoma 04-07-12 00:14

Wow thanks!!! I too live in a sunny warm place and most folks ride without any protection at all. Stay safe!!!

Metzy 04-07-12 01:45

Nobody else to blame except for myself. All I did was I was in a 80km/h zone and I pulled off the road backing off to about 60km/h and this was onto an old highway running alongside the new highway. There was a heap of gravel over the old bitumen and I still have the OEM road tyres on the Ten the results are the pics. I also had a set of slip on elastic sided work boots on and the right hand one was pulled off and I also have a puncture wound on the back of my right heel. I'll never not wear my gear even if I'm riding the shortest distance. I did it on the 2nd of June and I'm due to go back to work after getting the work doctors clearance on the 5th of July. I ended up riding the bike home from the accident but soon seized up when the adrenaline wore off.

Mort 04-07-12 08:39

Ouch that hurt mate.Glad your OK.But put Armour on next time.:idea1:

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