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-   -   28 deg C oot there and I'm on crutches again ( https://www.xt660.com/showthread.php?t=19076)

Fiddich 24-05-12 14:45

28 deg C oot there and I'm on crutches again
Hot and sunny up here over the last few days and the BBQ even came out yesterday. Thats the good news for me cause my day has just taken a downer.
Went for my orthopaedic appointment for more X rays on this bl..dy foot of mine. The result is that its much worse than they thought - the bones were wrenched appart apparently not broken - foot now in plaster, booked in for a scan on Wednesday of next week and been told not to eat anytjing that morning as it looks like I'll be going into the chopping room that afternoon. A clamp going in to hold the bones togeather and for good measure a couple of screws, then back in plaster. Hate to think what would have happened if I hadn't been wearing decent boots!!!
So there goes my Scottish Summer of riding I think sh................................................ ........ite.

Fiddich 24-05-12 14:51


Originally Posted by Keithblade (Post 173453)
****** Ian sorry to hear that mate, I thought it was on the mend as well.

Just have to drown my sorrows with you know what - you got any left cause I haven't?:cry[1]:

mrfijjitt 24-05-12 14:52

Sorry to hear not going quite as planned.
All the best with the recovery.

Nowhere near as serious, but I know how you feel, sun is shining and me poorly leg means no riding :( At least some time off work whilst it's Roastin'.

Fiddich 24-05-12 14:55


Originally Posted by mrfijjitt (Post 173455)
Sorry to hear not going quite as planned.
All the best with the recovery.

Nowhere near as serious, but I know how you feel, sun is shining and me poorly leg means no riding :( At least some time off work whilst it's Roastin'.

Whats annoying is that I've obviously managed to hobble about and ride the bike up until now but with a plaster on I think I better behave - hope you are mending well mate.

jimf 24-05-12 15:14

Thats not good Ian, best of luck in the hospital and i hope you mend quick!,

Gas_Up_Lets_Go 24-05-12 15:23

An External Fixator.. .. lovely. My wife had one for a while, before they stuck an inter-medullary (not sure of the spelling there) nail through her should and down inside her humorous.

Never mind, you'll just have to make the most of it, and put your feet up..... every cloud and all !

Fiddich 24-05-12 16:14


Originally Posted by Gas_Up_Lets_Go (Post 173458)
An External Fixator.. .. !

It didn't sound like it Darren - sounded more like a big staple shaped bracket fixed internally - I hope so anyway!

Fiddich 24-05-12 16:16


Originally Posted by Gas_Up_Lets_Go (Post 173458)

Never mind, you'll just have to make the most of it, and put your feet up..... every cloud and all !

I do that at work so no change I suppose.

Gas_Up_Lets_Go 24-05-12 16:26


Originally Posted by Fiddich (Post 173461)
It didn't sound like it Darren - sounded more like a big staple shaped bracket fixed internally - I hope so anyway!

Shame,, Externals are great, you can hang stuff from them, tie the patient to a chair, door, garden fence !! they're great.

Never mind, if it's just an internal one, bit girlie like.......:gayfight:

Fiddich 24-05-12 17:19


Originally Posted by Gas_Up_Lets_Go (Post 173464)
Shame,, Externals are great, you can hang stuff from them, tie the patient to a chair, door, garden fence !! they're great.

Never mind, if it's just an internal one, bit girlie like.......:gayfight:

I thought there was something a little strange about the man Keith.
This just proves it.:googly[1]:

Gas_Up_Lets_Go 24-05-12 17:39


Chris1811 24-05-12 18:29

Sorry to hear about that mate bummer eh!

Luckily for me I'll be picking the bike up this evening after my off and although Ive only not been able to ride for a week its nearly killed me!!

feel for ya mate really do!!

Good luck and mend quick!

Fiddich 24-05-12 21:18

Thanks for the wishes guys - looking on the bright side I'm glad they didn't discover what was wrong before the lakes meet or else I'd have missed it - result.:unibrow:

steveD 24-05-12 23:01

Just read the posts, at least you can get a good tan in this weather!

Hope the op goes well and then you can think of us all having a real good time riding around Scotland!:runaway:

jimmysimpson 24-05-12 23:24

No point askin you if you wint tae go oot tae play then.

jasext 24-05-12 23:43

Bad news that, was booked in to have something similar done on mine on June 12th but cancelled it until the end of the year, been 4 years since the first accident and will never be right again, just putting up with it for now.
Good news is that i am coming up your way on the bike for just over a week and leaving tomorrow morning, meeting up with GULGo, on Saturday morning for a tour around the lakes then heading up north west :blob9:

Weather is looking great as usual, we have the same down here in South Wales, ( we just tell everyone it rains all the time to keep them out ) :laughing7:

Fiddich 25-05-12 10:10


Originally Posted by jasext (Post 173483)
Good news is that i am coming up your way on the bike for just over a week and leaving tomorrow morning, meeting up with GULGo, on Saturday morning for a tour around the lakes then heading up north west :blob9:

Lucky bug.er!

maxwell123455 25-05-12 23:13


Originally Posted by Fiddich (Post 173452)
So there goes my Scottish Summer of riding I think sh................................................ ........ite.

Scottish summers you get those over here:icon_sunny:!!!

Only joking, sorry to hear of your misfurtune Fiddich, keep us informed and if we can do anything im sure we will try and help. Oh and dont try and numb the pain:boozer:

Fiddich 26-05-12 00:24


Originally Posted by maxwell123455 (Post 173526)
Scottish summers you get those over here:icon_sunny:!!!

It ends on Sunday at 15.00 hrs

Only joking, sorry to hear of your misfurtune Fiddich, keep us informed and if we can do anything im sure we will try and help. Oh and dont try and numb the pain:boozer:

Thanks for the offer - if you could just pass the TV remote over here while I fill another glass I would appreciate it.

mrfijjitt 26-05-12 12:04


Originally Posted by Gas_Up_Lets_Go (Post 173458)
An External Fixator.. .. lovely.

Oh, happy days.... Chunks missing from door frames, toilet seat, mattress, pants, car seat, me Mrs and the sofa... LOL

Fiddich 30-05-12 20:14

Oh happy days - CT scan today - one bone cracked in two places so screws are a no go as it would make the situation worse - bones now only about 1mm further appart than they should be - So no operation needed and only in a cast for another 3 weeks


maxwell123455 30-05-12 20:54


Originally Posted by Fiddich (Post 173804)
Oh happy days - CT scan today - one bone cracked in two places so screws are a no go as it would make the situation worse - bones now only about 1mm further appart than they should be - So no operation needed and only in a cast for another 3 weeks


so fiddich is allow to play again in a few weeks:smilies0948:

Fiddich 30-05-12 21:17

All of a sudden it feels like summer again.:applause:

jimf 30-05-12 21:28

:mbounce::mbounce::ytiller:Happy days mate!

Fiddich 30-05-12 21:31


Originally Posted by jimf (Post 173814)
:mbounce::mbounce::ytiller:Happy days mate!

Cheers - you started your trips up to Aberdeen yet mate?

jimmysimpson 31-05-12 00:37

So you will be stayin on da tarmac noo min ?

Fiddich 31-05-12 09:30

Long tarmac trips for me this Summer when work allows - but I had that planned anyway Jim.

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