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timboo 09-01-12 14:38

When raining or washing bike cuts out
My bike runs fine in the dry or cold however once there is a heavy down poor of rain I'll be sat at some lights and the bike will just die and then takes about 2 minutes before i can try to restart her.

Also occurrs when washing the bike. I'm guessing its some form of electrical fault but not sure which part could be causing it, it only had a service last month and spark plug replaced.

Anyone else had this problem?


pommie 09-01-12 15:13

I would start looking at main ECU,remove seat and left side plastic cover there you will find the ecu remove the connectors plugs and check for no water damage also make sure the rubber seal is in the connectors plug

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk

timboo 09-01-12 19:56


Originally Posted by Keithblade (Post 166717)
I had this with my old XTR, the short bodge is to spray WD40 all over the terminals and leads. These are situated on the right hand side. The proper mad/repair is to take out all the leads and reseal them with tighter rubber caps and also a good dollop of an heat proof grease around the rubbers.

The rubbers could be split or just ill fitting and letting in moisture.

This should sort it out matey.

Thanks for the info strangely enough did occurr when washing right hand side. Wat sort/size rubbers required presume they don't need to be from yam being awkward sizes etc

timboo 09-01-12 19:57


Originally Posted by pommie (Post 166715)
I would start looking at main ECU,remove seat and left side plastic cover there you will find the ecu remove the connectors plugs and check for no water damage also make sure the rubber seal is in the connectors plug

Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk

Hi thanks for the info I will have a look just in case although I feel I more towards the front of the bike but u never know

maxwell123455 09-01-12 21:31

It does sound electrical.

I had something like this on my XTR, found out that the kill switch wire broke at the connector under the LHS of the tank. Once the mechanic found the problem and fixed it he suggested the same as Kev said for all the rest of the connectors as there is quiet a few on the LHS of the bike. Also the same for any of the connectors at the rear of the bike on both Right and Left hand side of the bike.

timboo 10-01-12 14:35


Originally Posted by maxwell123455 (Post 166720)
It does sound electrical.

I had something like this on my XTR, found out that the kill switch wire broke at the connector under the LHS of the tank. Once the mechanic found the problem and fixed it he suggested the same as Kev said for all the rest of the connectors as there is quiet a few on the LHS of the bike. Also the same for any of the connectors at the rear of the bike on both Right and Left hand side of the bike.

I'm convinced its electrical going to look at all of the bike diagrams an see whats wat. Think that will shed some light.

Failing that I'll buy a water pistol and squirt individual wires lol

timboo 11-01-12 13:34


Originally Posted by Keithblade (Post 166759)
Very intuitive matey!

The funny thing is initially I said it off the fly however thinking about it may actually prove useful

Skunkmoto 11-01-12 20:48

I did same on the ttr used one of those squirty bottle things worked a treat. Crack in the HT lead would have bin ages tryin to find it.

timboo 17-01-12 17:15


Originally Posted by Skunkmoto (Post 166771)
I did same on the ttr used one of those squirty bottle things worked a treat. Crack in the HT lead would have bin ages tryin to find it.

still not had chance to try my pistol on it yet....... I agree though there little chance of finding it by looking..

Incidently which cable was it on yours?
Any chance of a pic, that way I'll start with that one may be a common fault you never know

Skunkmoto 17-01-12 17:44

Different bike, but theory is the same, I'd try the HT side, start at the plug and work backwards. Trial and error really. Hope you get sorted and let us know the problem when you fiind it.

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