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afk40 26-08-11 22:54

Hardly Dangerous meet in Avimore
This weekend,,, Thunder in the glens.... is anyone goin,,, Im goin up fur a swatch at the bikes... will be in Avimore around 11 am,., if anyone fancies a meet up... al be on a 52 plate silver an black varadero.... john 07866 488357

Fiddich 28-08-11 01:28

So thats why I saw so many Harleys today - a couple on trailers!

colros 30-08-11 22:25

So wheres the report John????

afk40 31-08-11 02:25

well........left at 6.30 am on the saturday,, got to 40 mile fae aviemore, an ma bike broke down... it wasnt its bad week it just broke down.. i lost all power, it just died a death.. so after a 3 hrs wait on the RAC guy...an 3hrs later.,,, i was back in ma garage...

got ma van the gither an ready to sleep in.. an headed back up there...got an hour on the road an turned around, as a wasnt gonna get up there tae around 8pm...

so decided tae wait tae the morning then go up early... i left at 5.30 am,,, went up,, tae a pure WASTE o time,... it was rainin cats an dogs an a mean rainin heavy...all day..everyone was pissed off an was goin home,,

so did i see any HARLEYs... yes !!!!! out of the 4000 HD that was there,, i saw about 300 odd o them an around 100 jap all sorts,,,,pass me by as i was stuck in a layby..wi ma seat propped up against the bike in the brokedown mode...an did anyone stop tae see if a was ok an there was anuthin they could do fur me.....NAW not one bike stopped

I have went out ma way many many times tae help people out,, i have sometimes went home onma bike tae get ma van an took their bike home,,,free of charge... an i always wave tae bikers all the time... every timne i see a biker at the side o teh road...I always stop ansee if their ok... did it happen fur me...............NAW...wil that make me stop doing what i do na waving tae tOM dICK AN hARRY...Naw.. will i again stop an see if their ok...YES... cause the difference ios,,, their them,, an am me....i wouldnt have done that wi a Dog the way they guys passed me by.. some of them waving.. an me giving them the Hia watha hand an arm signals tae say i was broke down....an none stopped.......phew. !!!! makes ye wonder eh !!!! I thought that wave meant a kinda brotherhood helpin hand... i must have got it wrong sometime somewhere down the line............ah well... the bike now is ok....thgats ma report...really a wasted weekend,, an pissed off off at some folk....

Grim Reaper 31-08-11 05:01

So what was wrong with the bike then?

afk40 31-08-11 22:19

it was ma Varadero 1000.. not ma Trusty XT.. it was a flat battery

so Grim Reaper.. how ye gettin on wi yer new XT.. we need tae meet up an hae a blast.

colros 06-09-11 22:24

I will pass your woes on to the Edinburgh Chapter....and ask them if they would like a help from non HD riders when I next meet them.

Are yee arround on Thursday???? I could deliver the cans if yee still want them??

afk40 06-09-11 22:57

Hi Colin...yes ad like they cans... am workin on thursday in Armadale. which is litterly 15mins fae ma house, but nearer edinburgh fur you... am working outside teh armadale police station...let me know,, a take it ye still have ma phone number..., thnanks Colin.... a didnt know ye had ties wi the hardly dangerous mob.?

Colin... a meant tae ask..are ye still runnin the Ten...?? whit miles have ye on it now... as a know ye wir talkin about somnething else.???

Chris1811 19-02-12 02:22

Sorry to bring up this old thread but reading johns report kinda brought back memories. I went avimore nocking on 3 years ago with me dad (the hog rider) and me misus on the back o the xtr. Was a great trip and evryone (minis the odd 1 here n there) was friendly and nice. Sorry to hear you had such a bad time mate!

I had ccc pipes on me r at the time! Was the only jap bike that could out do the hogs noise wise! :)

afk40 19-02-12 02:38

well I only had a Peed off time as it was ma fault that ma bike broke down, and NO ONE stopped to even ask me if a was alright... in fact when i called the RAC... they couldnt trace where i was,, so i was wantin some one tae stop so i could ask them exactly where i was.. but noone stopped out o about 400 passerbys...
then tae top it off the next day i went up it was peeing from the heavens... seemingly the saturday was a cracker o a day weather wise, an the bieks were awesome.....but next time al go on ma cruiser.. maybe yeve tae be in teh cruiser gang before they`l stop....:dontknow:

Colros,,, Yes Please do forward ma Woes on to the Hardly dangerous club.. hogwash boys wi their fingerless gloves an their silly wastecoats an their look at me attitudes am a real biker.....

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