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jakc 04-02-11 06:22

Have I bought the wrong bark busters?
I bought some bark busters off ebay - link

Having trouble installing them, and suspect they are the wrong type.

Apologies for the poor photos, but might give you some indication on what im struggling with:

Q1 - How do you remove the stock plugs? I take the plug off, but whats the best way of removing the inner plug? Put the bolt half way back in and yank out?

Q2- With the plug off, the bark buster would just rub the brake lever.
At the other end, the brake reservoir would stop me from sliding the brake lever down, because then I wouldnt be able to mount the rings onto a flat piece of bar.

Should I carry on, or have I bought wrong ones?
Found a great video on how to do most of it, but still having alignment issues.


richardsracingmad 04-02-11 06:43

Well I have recently fitted new handlebars and Barkbusters.

Are you keeping the standard bars?? (they bend if you fall off alot like I do)

Anyway, apparantly if you insert the bolt back into the bar end insert and tap it inwards a little, it should free up, and you can remove it. I tried this, and even after a 24 hr soaking in WD40, and lots of heat, they didn't budge.

Why don't you get some stronger bars, forget those inserts, and do what I did?


richardsracingmad 04-02-11 06:47

...or if keeping the standard bars, just get a sleeve to fit the Barbusters, and use a longer bolt ...measure it! it is probably an M5/M4 I guess.

richardsracingmad 04-02-11 06:54

mY ADVICE...look at my thread, and note the dimensions and model number of Renthals I fitted..613-01. Get all the dimensions from Kev's link on that thread.

Then look at handlebars available in your Country, and buy similar size ones.

richardsracingmad 04-02-11 06:58

are your Barkbusters missing the end inserts? by the ebay link...you are missing the end inserts... I think it would have worked out cheaper to buy them new wouldn't it? How much are BB VPS and fitting kit for 7/8 bars?

You could make something like my end attachment, but you have to cut off part of the bar-end, as in my pictures.

Anyway, those Barkbusters will fit your bike...you just need to work out how to fit the ends!!

jakc 04-02-11 07:14


Are you keeping the standard bars?
For now, I see no reason to replace them
I am also heading off on a 5 week trip on the bike next Thursday, so dont have time to order bars.


get a sleeve to fit the Barkbusters, and use a longer bolt
Sleeve being the aluminium strip?
Would like confirmation that the current sleeve is def not the right one, or cant be bent to fit.
When u mention longer bolt, do you mean, leave the existing bar ends in, but use a longer bolt to attach BBs on the outside of the existing OEM bar end?
(Therefore, can leave the inserts in the bars)

Its not the end of the world if these cant fit, I could do with out them. Worst case, ill throw them back on ebay.

On AvRider, people have suggested cutting off the bulbous end of the brake lever - This would prob work, but not keen on doing this.

richardsracingmad 04-02-11 07:29

ok....no they will be fine...just stay with it!!!

That's better.....now ....you have fitted back the original bar-end weight. Good. Take off that black barkbusters END-FITTING AND ALLOY SLEEVE AND BB BOLT . ok?

What you need now is a longer bolt (than your standard Yamaha ) to fit though the BB and bar end weight. And an end washer. ok? BOB'S YOUR UNCLE!
That's all!

Just get a bolt that is ,say , 20mm longer than the one you have (measure the width of the BB.)

to be perfect, you could find an ally sleeve that will take up the slack in the difference between your bolt and the larger hole of the BB.

richardsracingmad 04-02-11 07:36

Ok..do you have two problems? If you haven't got enough clearance for your levers...I would just either adapt it, or forget it, and stick them back on Ebay.

jakc 04-02-11 07:45


If you haven't got enough clearance for your levers..
This is the problem that I cant seem to find an easy workaround.
LHS should be ok.
RHS, with the end clamp rings flush up against the brake reservoir, I think that the brake lever will not clear the bark buster.

richardsracingmad 04-02-11 07:50

ok...I understand. BB do some accessories.

The BB clamp (on your handlebar, by the brake reservoir) has a bit coming off it, which one end of your BB attaches to, right?

You can get those bits in different "wavy" designs, to clear your brake resevoir.....hold on....a picture coming in a moment....


or use one of these to add clearance


richardsracingmad 04-02-11 08:03

this is better ....and what I meant by "wavy" lol....its the same part number, just a different machining....it'll do the same job.

I can't guarantee you it will fix your problem, but maybe if you bought a B54 and a 30mm spacer (which you could cut down to size) ..I think that should do it.


richardsracingmad 04-02-11 08:21

...or if those bits cost too much...chuck your BB's back on ebay, and get the BB VPS.

jakc 06-02-11 05:22

Thanks Richard - been to a few shops, but they dont stock those parts.

So, been doing some bodging and got them just about on:


Im beginning to think it might be a bad idea to leave them on.
If I drop the bike, surely the busters are just going to rip my clutch cable straight out?

richardsracingmad 06-02-11 08:12

Well..I think they won't rip your clutch cable...and, OK, they are not really the model BB for your bike, but keep them on for your trip, as it will save you breaking a lever.

If you are worried, just slightly loosen off your lever mounts, so that if it drops, and the BB's move, the lever/cable will be able to move too!

But well done getting them on!

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