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DNA Stage 2
I've had a DNA filter on the work bench for a couple of months,finally fitted and gave it a run,still has the stock filter and Akra pipes with the baffles in,pick up great mid range even better,but even with the smallest run to 90 on the clock,the motor really got it's nickers in a twist,which showed all the signs of running lean,to the point were it all be cut out,and I had to nurse it home till it picked up after some steady riding.
Now I've been around the block figuratively speaking bike wise so fitted my fair share of filters and Power Commanders,but these symtoms seemed pretty extreme to me with just adding a stage 2 filter or is the norm. |
Thanks Richard for pointing the man in the right direction :clap: :clap: |
Thanks for that,but it's telling loads and yet telling me nothing,I was aware that fitting the stage 2 would lean the bike out,and hence why I didn't touch the snorkel till another day,and I appreciate that to get the bike to run well I'll need a PC,but shorely it shouldn't run that badly on a run with just a stage 2,or do they??
Or am I missing something!! |
well ok I'll tell you in a nutshell
[nutshell] When fitting a DNA stage 2 it is recommended to fit a fuelling device, A kev Mod or a more expensive Power Commander. PM Kev for details. [/nutshell] |
Thanks,I've encountered bikes running lean,but I guess because it's a single high lighted more,one things for sure the stage 2 is being taken off till I sort something out,thanks again.
In fairness I missed that last bit,sorry don't agree in my case,and I've still got the snorkel on,I've another bike that I ran for years,open cans,filter and induct on par with the stage 3,and got away with it untill I fitted a PC,but this XT ain't going have it,thats for sure.
But thanks for all the replys. |
Running your set up at present I would expect the A/F ratio to be around 15:1, which is lean. If the bike runs fine without the stage 2 filter then you would assume that with the stage 2 filter the A/F ratio is to lean.
Do you have a fresh tank of 95 RON fuel in the bike? I would refit the air box cover & retest to see if the bike still runs fine. If it does you need a fueling device to correct the A/F ratio. If it doesn't then something else is wrong. The XT produces it's most HP & Torque around 13.2:1. |
Thanks again,too be honest the way it stopped yesterday I thought it had burned a piston untill it pickup and fired every other lampost,when I let it settle down and pull it's self together it regained it's composure so to speak.
I've experience this on an Africa twin with a K+N and an open pipe,but nowhere near as bad as this. The original cover is already back on and plug doesn't look to bad when I took it out and checked when I got back but I haven't ridden the bike with the stock cover back on the weather is crap,but what I'm intrigued about is the fresh tank of fuel,yea sure I'm aware that modern day unleaded goes off pretty dam quick,but surely gone off fuel isn't going to effect it that much,or is the XT less cooking engine than I thought!!! I had originally thought about fresh fuel and try again,for no other reason I've never known a bike react so badly to just an aftermarket filter,and thats a lot of bikes!!!. |
are you willing to listen to my most expert friend in the world *Kev" and give his Kev Mod a try, if you are not happy with it Kev will happily refund you soon as you send it back to him.
just saying give it a go and don't knock it til you've tried. |
I'm not knocking anything or anyone,I'm enjoying being able to have a reasonable conversation without 'Take it to your dealer' syndrome,I even did the 600 mile oil change,so I'm all ears.
1. I'm still getting over how drastic a change the filter has been. 2.Fuel question I find interesting,and may even go back to the DNA and fresh fuel to see the difference. 3. If I'm honest,I've not read up on the board as much as I could sorry that is should!!!,my XT is well down the food chain when it comes to bikes and I'm going to have to get off my arse and pay more attention. 4. If I go the Kev mod,how well will it work with a Metal Mule 2/1 has anyone been there done that,because although I have Akra's on it at the mo,my intention is an MM. |
I think Kev has a Powercommander map for an off-the-road 2 in 1, not sure but that would involve a powercommader as 2 in 1's are usually sh|t hot :D and loud!!
As you've rightly said there's loads to read up and we are not new to this, so surely you'll find one or two discussions related tow 2 into 1's and if in doubt please ask Kev. |
[quote=waynovetten;145761]I'm knocking anything or anyone,I'm enjoying being able to have a reasonable conversation without 'Take it to your dealer' syndrome,I even did the 600 mile oil change,so I'm all ears.
1. I'm still getting over how drastic a change the filter has been. 2.Fuel question I find interesting,and may even go back to the DNA and fresh fuel to see the difference. 3. If I'm honest,I've not read up on the board as much as I could sorry that is should!!!,my XT is well down the food chain when it comes to bikes and I'm going to have to get off my arse and pay more attention. 4. If I go the Kev mod,how well will it work with a Metal Mule 2/1 has anyone been there done that,because although I have Akra's on it at the mo,my intention is an MM.[/quote Some people on here do come across as arsey, whether they actually are or whether its just difficult to get tone across in text. |
I'm sure I will,the problem!! this filter thing was a 5 minute job,i've got 3 other bikes all on the go at the moment,with god knows what to do to all of them.
Swap the air box lid back & put a fresh tank of fuel in then retest, is my advice. The XT is well known for being run lean that is why everyone complains about the surging, a Power Commander is the best fueling device with a custom made fuel map, I do have a 2into1 fuel map for a Power Commander.
We have hundreds of XT's running with stage 2 filters & no fueling device & they have not complained about what you are experiencing. |
I'll be back !!!
Right then!!
Took the DNA off,original panel back on,start bike goes bang on the button,get some gear on off I go,doesn't feel quite right,but may it's the difference in the filter. Mile down the road bike stops,takes 45 minutes to get home,start bike go 20 meters and stops,think it's a vacum in the tank,take fuel cap off, no better,longer you leave the bike further it goes when you start it back up,finally get back home. Either fuel or plug,don't want to do both,in case I can't work out which is the problem. Change plug,starts just like it did before,put gear back on runs fine,go home,DNA in,and that also runs well. So pure coincidence,plug had done 3,000 miles,hey ho. |
So, did you notice much difference with the DNA filter?
Good stuff, I'm pleased you got it sorted.
The irony for me,I come from the two stroke era(yes I'm that old) so i'm paranoid about plugs even on modern fourstrokes, and a I've a few of those, never go more than 3/4 thousand miles on on a plug,the one on the XT is only second dud I've had in 40 years. |
You did well to survive h2 ownership. I think in years to come they'll be like a mythical creature.
Having recently seen an H2 advertised at �15000,I wish I still had it,I sold it for 600 quid,having said that I rode it to the South of France,well Rodez,pre motorway days,and my backside has never been he same since :laughing11:
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